Become a mentor

Applications for semester 1 have closed

Submit your interest for semester 2 or future mentor opportunities here: 

Expression of Interest

Semester 1 runs from March to May, key milestones include:
  • CANCELLED: Mentor Welcome & Induction: 5 March, 6:00 - 7:30pm AEST - online via Zoom
  • First contact with student mentee/s - early March
  • CANCELLED: Program Launch: 12 March, 5:00-7:00pm - on campus
  • Regular Mentoring sessions, recommend at least 4 meetings with your student mentee
  • Program Closing: 21 May, 5:00 - 6:00pm AEST - online via Zoom

Being a HASS industry mentor


Whether you're based in Brisbane, inter-state or internationally, if you’ve completed a Bachelor of Arts or study in any of the following areas:

  • Communication, Journalism and Arts
  • Education
  • History, Religion and Philosophy
  • International Relations and Political Science
  • Languages and Cultures
  • Music
  • Social Sciences; Anthropology, Archaeology, Criminology and Sociology
  • Psychology

What's Involved?

As a mentor, you will help students navigate the transition from university to work.  Don't worry if you've only just begun this journey yourself, your own valuable and unique perspectives can help to empower current students to reach their goals.

You will develop your communication and leadership skills and broaden your professional network while giving back to the UQ community.

The program runs twice throughout the year (March to June and August to October) and includes:

  • Regular mentoring sessions - at least four meetings in-person/phone/or online 
  • Networking events (online or in person)
  • Feedback via online survey

The program can be fully completed online so whether you are Brisbane based or interstate/overseas we would encourage you to get involved.

Guidelines and Resources

For further information regarding the mentoring role and expectations download the mentoring guidelines. For tips on how to make the most of the mentoring experience; including sample questions, meeting agenda and checklists, download the mentoring toolkit.

Download Guidelines                         Download Mentoring Toolkit

A current Mentor?

Log into Chronus  

For further information:

Contact: Cammie Westerman, Project Officer 


W: HASS Connect Mentoring Program


The G.R.O.W. method of coaching