Dr Elnaz Irannezhad
Elnaz is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Australian Institute for Business and Economics (AIBE). Elnaz is currently engaged with several research projects namely Trade Community System, supply chain research for port logistics, blockchain use-cases, sharing economy platforms (e.g. Uber), investment behavior is cryptocurrency, and travel behavior under pricing schemes. More specifically, she investigates the role of decision making and behaviors of agents in various settings including freight and passenger transportation systems. Elnaz's research interests span over behavioral choice modeling, optimization algorithms, agent-based modeling, GIS analysis, and blockchain technology.
Prior to commencing at UQ, Elnaz has worked as a project manager, senior transport engineer and modeler in Iran on large-scale projects up to $20M plus such as “Tehran’s ITS Master Plan”, “Tehran’s Integrated Public Transport Network Design”, and “Tehran’s Congestion Charging Study”.