Weisler, Marshall I. (2001). On the margins of sustainability : Prehistoric settlement of Utrōk Atoll, Northern Marshall Islands. Oxford, England: Archaeopress.
Book Chapters
Weisler, Marshall I. and Summerhayes, Glenn R. (2024). From Colonization to Increasing Social Complexity : The Importance of Prehistoric Interaction. The Oxford Handbook of Island and Coastal Archaeology. (pp. 1-18) Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197607770.013.13
Weisler, Marshall and Walter, Richard (2017). East Polynesian connectivity. The Routledge handbook of archaeology and globalization. (pp. 369-386) edited by Tamar Hodos. New York, NY, United States: Routledge . doi: 10.4324/9781315449005
Weisler, Marshall I. and Love, Serena (2015). Geoarchaeology. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. (pp. 53-57) edited by James D. Wright. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-08-097086-8.13049-1
Weisler, Marshall (2012). Polynesian volcanic glass: uses, sourcing, and distribution. Obsidian and ancient manufactured glasses. (pp. 130-142) edited by Ioannis Liritzis and Christopher M. Stevenson. New Mexico, United States: University of New Mexico Press.
Jones, Terry L., Clarke, Andrew C., Cordero, María-Auxiliadora, Green, Roger C., Irwin, Geoffrey, Klar, Kathryn A., Matisoo-Smith, Elizabeth A., Quiróz, Daniel, Ramírez-Aliaga, José Miguel, Scaglion, Richard, Storey, Alice A. and Weisler, Marshall I. (2011). Summary and conclusions. Polynesians in America: Pre-Columbian Contacts with the New World. (pp. 225-268) edited by Terry L. Jones, Alice A. Storey, Elizabeth A. Matisoo-Smith and José Miguel Ramíres-Aliaga. Lanham, MD, United States: AltaMira Press.
Weisler, Marshall I. and Green, Roger C. (2011). Rethinking the chronology of colonization of Southeast Polynesia. Polynesians in America: Pre-Columbian Contacts with the New World. (pp. 223-246) edited by Terry L. Jones, Alice A. Storey, Elizabeth A. Matisoo-Smith and José Miguel Ramíres-Aliaga. Lanham, MD, United States: AltaMira Press.
Weisler, Marshall I. (2009). Archaeology. Encyclopedia of Islands. (pp. 41-47) edited by Rosemary G. Gillespie and David A. Clague. London , U. K.: University of California Press.
Weisler, M. (2008). TRACKING ANCIENT ROUTES ACROSS POYLNESIAN SEASCAPES WITH BASALT ARTIFACT GEOCHEMISTRY. Handbook of Landscape Archaeology. (pp. 536-543) edited by Bruno David and Julian Thomas. Walnut Creek, California: Left Coast Press.
Weisler, M. I., Conte, E. and Kirch, P. V. (2004). Material culture and geochemical sourcing of basalt artifacts. Archaeological Investigations in the Mangareva Islands. (pp. 128-148) edited by E. Conte and P.V. Kirch. USA: Archaeological Research Facility, University of California.
Conte, E., Kirch, P. V., Weisler, M. I. and Anderson, A. J. (2004). Archaeological field Investigations. Archaeological Investigations in the Mangareva Islands. (pp. 94-105) edited by E. Conte and P. V. Kirch. USA: Archaeological Research Facility, University of California.
Kirch, P. V., Coil, E., Weisler, M. I., Conte, E. and Anderson, A. J. (2003). Radiocarbon dating and site chronology. Archaeological Investigations in the Mangareva Islands. (pp. 94-105) edited by E. Conte and P.V. Kirch. USA: Archaeological Research Facility, University of California.
Weisler, Marshall I. (2002). Centrality and the collapse of long-distance voyaging in East Polynesia. Geochemical Evidence for Long-Distance Exchange. (pp. 257-273) edited by Michael Glascock. London: Bergin and Garvey.
Journal Articles
Horrocks, Mark, Weisler, Marshall I., Hua, Quan and Presswell, Bronwen (2024). A new parasite discovery in Micronesia: eggs of the nematode Toxocara canis at archaeological sites on Ebon Atoll, Marshall Islands extend the known dog presence by c.600 years. Archaeology in Oceania, 59 (3), 516-522. doi: 10.1002/arco.5342
Weisler, Marshall I., Hua, Quan, Collins, Sara L., Rogers, Ashleigh J. and Mendes, Walter P. (2024). Dry, leeward regions support Colonization Period sites: stratigraphy, dating, and geomorphological setting of one of the earliest habitations in the Hawaiian Islands. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 19 (3), 610-642. doi: 10.1080/15564894.2023.2165200
Rogers, Ashleigh J. and Weisler, Marshall I. (2024). Terrestrial cultural landscapes changed inshore marine ecosystems: Eight centuries of shellfish harvesting from the Kawela Mound site, Hawaiian Islands. The Holocene, 34 (4), 487-503. doi: 10.1177/09596836231219474
Weisler, Marshall I., Sinton, John, Hua, Quan and Skippington, Jane (2024). Indirectly dating one of the oldest adze quarries in the Hawaiian Islands provides insights into the colonisation process and community networks. Journal of Pacific Archaeology, 13 (2), 21-32. doi: 10.70460/jpa.v13i2.351
Weisler, Marshall I., Rogers, Ashleigh J., Hua, Quan, Bertuch, Fiona, Wake, Thomas A. and Sinoto, Yosihiko H. (2024). Sacred offerings and secular foods on Reao Atoll, Tuamotu Archipelago, East Polynesia. Archaeology in Oceania, 59 (1), 29-67. doi: 10.1002/arco.5308
Jennings, Christopher, Weisler, Marshall and Walter, Richard (2023). An archaeological review of Polynesian adze quarries and sources. Archaeology in Oceania, 58 (2), 183-213. doi: 10.1002/arco.5297
Jennings, Christopher G. and Weisler, Marshall I. (2023). Polynesian quarrying at the bottom of the world – Raw material procurement and adze production in Bluff Harbour, South Island, New Zealand. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 48 103897, 1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2023.103897
Lambrides, Ariana B.J., Weisler, Marshall I., Clark, Jeffrey T., Quintus, Seth, Worthy, Trevor H. and Buckley, Hallie (2022). Assessing foraging variability on small islands in Manu‘a (American Samoa) during the first millennium BC. Archaeology in Oceania, 57 (1), 39-58. doi: 10.1002/arco.5257
Weisler, Marshall I., Collins, Sara L. and Hua, Quan (2022). Offerings from the land and sea: a rare prehistoric ritual pit from west Moloka‘i, Hawaiian Islands. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 41 103242, 103242. doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.103242
Rogers, Ashleigh J. and Weisler, Marshall I. (2021). Risk, reliability, and the importance of small-bodied molluscs across the Hawaiian windward-leeward divide. Human Ecology, 50 (1), 141-165. doi: 10.1007/s10745-021-00297-y
Burley, David V., Weisler, Marshall and Edinborough, Kevan (2021). Additional U/Th dates for the Lapita settlement of Vava'u, Kingdom of Tonga. Archaeology in Oceania, 56 (1), 65-69. doi: 10.1002/arco.5228
Rogers, Ashleigh J. and Weisler, Marshall I. (2021). He i‘a make ka ‘opihi: optimal foraging theory, food choice, and the fish of death. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 28 (4), 1314-1347. doi: 10.1007/s10816-021-09506-w
Miszkiewicz, Justyna J., Matisoo-Smith, Elizabeth A. and Weisler, Marshall I. (2021). Behavior and intra-skeletal remodeling in an adult male from 1720 BP Ebon Atoll, Marshall Islands, eastern Micronesia. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 17 (3), 1-15. doi: 10.1080/15564894.2020.1837305
Rogers, Ashleigh J. and Weisler, Marshall I. (2020). Limpet (Cellana spp.) shape is correlated with basalt or eolianite coastlines: Insights into prehistoric marine shellfish foraging and mobility in the Hawaiian Islands. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 34 102561, 102561. doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2020.102561
Weisler, Marshall I. and Rogers, Ashleigh J. (2020). Ritual use of limpets in late Hawaiian prehistory. Journal of Field Archaeology, 46 (1), 1-10. doi: 10.1080/00934690.2020.1835267
Jennings, Christopher and Weisler, Marshall (2020). Adapting Polynesian adze technology to new raw material at Tiwai Point, Murihiku, New Zealand. Lithic Technology, 45 (4), 1-16. doi: 10.1080/01977261.2020.1782591
Hermann, Aymeric, Forkel, Robert, McAlister, Andrew, Cruickshank, Arden, Golitko, Mark, Kneebone, Brendan, McCoy, Mark, Reepmeyer, Christian, Sheppard, Peter, Sinton, John and Weisler, Marshall (2020). Pofatu, a curated and open-access database for geochemical sourcing of archaeological materials. Scientific Data, 7 (1) 141, 141. doi: 10.1038/s41597-020-0485-8
Weisler, Marshall I., Mihaljević, Morana and Rogers, Ashleigh J. (2019). Sea urchins: improving understanding of prehistoric subsistence, diet, foraging behavior, tool use, and ritual practices in Polynesia. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 15 (4), 1-29. doi: 10.1080/15564894.2019.1679293
Rogers, Ashleigh J. and Weisler, Marshall I. (2019). Assessing the efficacy of genus-level data in archaeomalacology: a case study of the Hawaiian limpet (Cellana spp.), Moloka‘i, Hawaiian Islands. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 15 (1), 1-29. doi: 10.1080/15564894.2018.1481467
Burley, David V., Horrocks, Mark and Weisler, Marshall I. (2018). Earliest evidence for pit cultivation provides insight on the nature of first Polynesian settlement. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 15 (1), 1-21. doi: 10.1080/15564894.2018.1501441
Jennings, Christopher, Weisler, Marshall and Walter, Richard (2018). Colyers Island: Polynesia's southernmost adze manufacturing complex. Archaeology in Oceania, 53 (2), 116-127. doi: 10.1002/arco.5151
Simpson, Dale F., Weisler, Marshall I., St Pierre, Emma J., Feng, Yuexing and Bolhar, Robert (2018). The archaeological documentation and geochemistry of the Rua Tokitoki adze quarry and the Poike fine-grain basalt source on Rapa Nui (Easter Island). Archaeology in Oceania, 53 (1), 15-27. doi: 10.1002/arco.5132
Lambrides, Ariana B. J., Weisler, Marshall I. and Charleux, Michel (2018). New taxonomic records and regional trends for the Marquesan Prehistoric Marine Fishery, Eiao Island, Polynesia. Journal of Pacific Archaeology, 9 (1), 44-62. doi: 10.70460/jpa.v9i1.228
Weisler, Marshall I., Hua, Quan, Zhao, Jian-xin, Nguyen, Ai Duc, Nothdurft, Luke, Yamano, Hiroya and Mihaljević, Morana (2017). Marine reservoir correction for the southern Marshall Islands for the past 2500 years. Radiocarbon, 60 (1), 333-348. doi: 10.1017/RDC.2017.63
Lambrides, Ariana B. J. and Weisler, Marshall I. (2017). Late holocene Marshall Islands archaeological tuna records provide proxy evidence for ENSO variability in the western and central Pacific Ocean. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 13 (4), 1-32. doi: 10.1080/15564894.2017.1315350
Harris, Matthew and Weisler, Marshall (2017). Prehistoric human impacts to marine mollusks and intertidal ecosystems in the Pacific Islands. Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology, 13 (2), 1-21. doi: 10.1080/15564894.2016.1277810
Harris, Matthew and Weisler, Marshall (2017). Two millennia of mollusc foraging on Ebon Atoll, Marshall Islands: sustained marine resource use on a Pacific atoll. Archaeology in Oceania, 53 (1), 41-57. doi: 10.1002/arco.5134
Clark, Jeffrey T., Quintus, Seth, Weisler, Marshall I., St Pierre, Emma, Nothdurft, Luke, Feng, Yuexing and Hua, Quan (2016). Marine reservoir correction for American samoa using U-series and Ams dated corals. Radiocarbon, 58 (4), 851-868. doi: 10.1017/RDC.2016.53
Lambrides, Ariana B. J. and Weisler, Marshall I. (2016). Pacific Islands ichthyoarchaeology: implications for the development of prehistoric fishing studies and global sustainability. Journal of Archaeological Research, 24 (3), 275-324. doi: 10.1007/s10814-016-9090-y
Weisler, Marshall I., Bolhar, Robert, Ma, Jinlong, St Pierre, Emma, Sheppard, Peter, Walter, Richard K., Feng, Yuexing, Zhao, Jian-xin and Kirch, Patrick V. (2016). Cook Island artifact geochemistry demonstrates spatial and temporal extent of pre-European interarchipelago voyaging in East Polynesia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113 (29), 8150-8155. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1608130113
Burley, David V. and Weisler, Marshall (2016). William R. Dickinson: our appreciation for an archaeologist’s geologist. Archaeology In Oceania, 51 (2), 81-83. doi: 10.1002/arco.5092
Manne, Tiina, Balme, Jane and Weisler, Marshall (2016). News from the south: current perspectives in Australian zooarchaeology. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 7, 687-688. doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.04.004
Harris, Matthew and Weisler, Marshall (2016). Intertidal foraging on atolls: prehistoric forager decision-making at Ebon Atoll, Marshall Islands. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 12 (2), 1-24. doi: 10.1080/15564894.2016.1167140
Shipton, Ceri, Weisler, Marchall, Jacomb, Chris, Clarkson, Chris and Walter, Richard (2016). A morphometric reassessment of Roger Duff's Polynesian adze typology. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 6, 361-375. doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.03.005
Clark, Jeffrey T., Quintus, Seth, Weisler, Marshall, St Pierre, Emma, Nothdurft, Luke and Feng, Yuexing (2016). Refining the chronology for west polynesian colonization: new data from the Samoan archipelago. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 6, 266-274. doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.02.011
Salis, Alexander T., Easton, Luke J., Robertson, Bruce C., Gemmell, Neil, Smith, Ian W. G., Weisler, Marshall I., Waters, Jonathan M. and Rawlence, Nicolas J. (2016). Myth or relict: does ancient DNA detect the enigmatic Upland seal?. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 97, 101-106. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2015.12.012
Harris, Matthew, Lambrides, Ariana B. J. and Weisler, Marshall I. (2016). Windward vs. leeward: inter-site variation in marine resource exploitation on Ebon Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 6, 221-229. doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.02.012
Weisler, Marshall, Bolhar, Robert, Charleux, Michel, Faith, J. Tyler, Feng, Yue-Xing and St. Pierre, Emma (2016). Determining the geochemical variability of fine-grained basalt sources/quarries for facilitating prehistoric interaction studies in Polynesia. Archaeology in Oceania, 51 (2), 158-167. doi: 10.1002/arco.5088
Weisler, Marshall I., Lambrides, Ariana B. J., Quintus, Seth, Clark, Jeffrey and Worthy, Trevor H. (2016). Colonisation and late period faunal assemblages from Ofu Island, American Samoa. Journal of Pacific Archaeology, 7 (2), 1-19. doi: 10.70460/jpa.v7i2.200
Clarkson, Chris, Shipton, Ceri and Weisler, Marshall (2015). Front, back and sides: experimental replication and archaeological analysis of Hawaiian adzes and associated debitage. Archaeology in Oceania, 50 (2), 71-84. doi: 10.1002/arco.5056
Lambrides, Ariana B. J. and Weisler, Marshall I. (2015). Applications of vertebral morphometrics in Pacific Island archaeological fishing studies. Archaeology in Oceania, 50 (2), 53-70. doi: 10.1002/arco.5059
Harris, Matthew, Weisler, Marshall and Faulkner, Patrick (2015). A refined protocol for calculating MNI in archaeological molluscan shell assemblages: a Marshall Islands case study. Journal of Archaeological Science, 57, 168-179. doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2015.01.017
Burley, David, Edinborough, Kevan, Weisler, Marshall and Zhao, Jian-xin (2015). Bayesian modeling and chronological precision for Polynesian settlement of Tonga. PLoS One, 10 (3) e0120795, e0120795. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0120795
McCoy, Patrick C., Weisler, Marshall I., St Pierre, Emma J., Bolhar, Robert and Feng, Yuexing (2015). Geochemistry and technology of basaltic glass artefacts from an embedded source and two high-altitude base camps in the Mauna Kea Adze Quarry Complex, Hawai‘i. Journal of Pacific Archaeology, 6 (2), 1-20.
Weisler, Marshall I., Mendes, Walter P. and Hua, Quan (2015). A prehistoric quarry/habitation site on Moloka'i and a discussion of an anomalous early date on the Polynesian introduced candlenut (kukui, Aleurites moluccana). Journal of Pacific Archaeology, 6 (1), 37-57.
Weisler, Marshall I. and McNiven, Ian J. (2015). Four thousand years of western Torres Strait fishing in the Pacific-wide context. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 7, 764-774. doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2015.05.016
Lambrides, A. B. J. and Weisler, M. I. (2015). Assessing protocols for identifying Pacific island archaeological fish remains: the contribution of vertebrae. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 25 (6), 838-848. doi: 10.1002/oa.2354
Clarkson, Chris, Shipton, Ceri and Weisler, Marshall (2014). Determining the reduction sequence of Hawaiian quadrangular adzes using 3D approaches: a case study from Moloka'i. Journal of Archaeological Science, 49 (1), 361-371. doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2014.05.031
McNiven, Ian J., De Maria, Nicole, Weisler, Marshall and Lewis, Tara (2014). Darumbal voyaging: intensifying use of central Queensland's Shoalwater Bay islands over the past 5000 years. Archaeology in Oceania, 49 (1), 2-42. doi: 10.1002/arco.5016
Weisler, Marshall I, Collins, Sara L., Feng, Yuexing, Zhao, Jian-xin, Shipton, Ceri and Wei, Xun (2013). A new major adze quarry from Nanakuli, O'ahu: implications for interaction studies in Hawaii. Journal of Pacific Archaeology, 4 (2), 35-57.
Weisler, Marshall I. and Green, Roger C. (2013). Mangareva fishing strategies in regional context: an analysis of fish bones from five sites excavated in 1959. Journal of Pacific Archaeology, 4 (1), 73-89.
Christensen, Carl C. and Weisler, Marshall I. (2013). Land snails from archaeological sites in the Marshall Islands, with remarks on prehistoric translocations in tropical oceania. Pacific Science, 67 (1), 81-104. doi: 10.2984/67.1.6
McCoy, Patrick C., Nees, Richard, Weisler, Marshall I. and Zhao, Jian-Xin (2012). 230 Thorium dating of toolstone procurement strategies, production scale and ritual practices at the Mauna Kea adze quarry complex, Hawai‘i. Journal of the Polynesian Society, 121 (4), 407-420. doi: 10.15286/jps.121.4.407-420
Burley, David, Weisler, Marshall I. and Zhao, Jian-xin (2012). High Precision U/Th Dating of First Polynesian Settlement. PLoS One, 7 (11) e48769, e48769-1-e48769-5. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0048769
Weisler, Marshall I., Yamano, Hiroya and Hua, Quan (2012). A multidisciplinary approach for dating human colonization of Pacific atolls. Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology, 7 (1), 102-125. doi: 10.1080/15564894.2011.616923
Ma, Jinlong, Bolhar, R., Weisler, M. I., Feng, Yuexing and Zhao, Jianxin (2011). Reproducibility of elemental analyses of basaltic stone artefacts by quadruple icp-ms using different sample sizes and digestion methods, with implications for archaeological research. Archaeometry, 53 (5), 890-899. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-4754.2010.00585.x
Fenwick, Rohan S. H., Lentfer, Carol J. and Weisler, Marshall I. (2011). Palm reading: A pilot study to discriminate phytoliths of four Arecaceae (Palmae) taxa. Journal of Archaeological Science, 38 (9), 2190-2199. doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2011.03.016
Weisler, Marshall (2011). A quarried landscape in the Hawaiian Islands. World Archaeology, 43 (2), 298-317. doi: 10.1080/00438243.2011.586197
McNiven, Ian J., David, Bruno, Aplin, Ken, Pivoru, Max, Pivoru, William, Sexton, Alex, Brown, Jonathan, Clarkson, Chris, Connell, Kate, Stanisic, John, Weisler, Marshall, Haberle, Simon, Fairbairn, Andrew and Kemp, Noel (2010). Historicising the present: Late Holocene emergence of a rainforest hunting camp, Gulf Province, Papua New Guinea. Australian Archaeology, 71 (71), 41-56. doi: 10.1080/03122417.2010.11689383
Weisler, Marshall I., Bolt, Robert and Findlater, Amy (2010). Prehistoric fishing strategies on the makatea island of Rurutu. Archaeology in Oceania, 45 (3), 130-143. doi: 10.1002/j.1834-4453.2010.tb00089.x
Khaweerat, Sasiphan, Weisler, Marshall, Zhao, Jian-xin, Feng, Yue-xing and Yu, Kefu (2010). Human-caused stratigraphic mixing of a coastal Hawaiian midden during prehistory: Implications for interpreting cultural deposits. Geoarchaeology-an International Journal, 25 (5), 527-540. doi: 10.1002/gea.20323
Weisler, Marshall, Hua, Quan and Zhao, Jian-xin (2009). Late holocene C marine reservoir corrections for Hawaii derived from U-series dated archaeological coral. Radiocarbon, 51 (3), 955-968. doi: 10.1017/S0033822200034032
McCoy, Patrick C., Weisler, Marshall I., Zhao, Jian-xin and Feng, Yue-Xing (2009). (230)Th dates for dedicatory corals from a remote alpine desert adze quarry on Mauna Kea, Hawai'i. Antiquity, 83 (320), 445-457. doi: 10.1017/S0003598X00098549
Weisler, M. (2008). Sourcing Studies are Best Done in Collaboration with Geochemists. Comment on Atholl Anderson's 'Traditionalism, Interaction and Long-Distance Seafaring in Polynesia'. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 3 (2), 265-267. doi: 10.1080/15564890802340059
McNiven, Ian J., Crouch, Joe, Weisler, Marshall, Kemp, Noel, Martinez, Lucia Clayton, Stanisic, John, Orr, Meredith, Brady, Liam, Hocknull, Scott and Boles, Walter (2008). Tigershark Rockshelter (Baidamau mudh): Seascape and settlement reconfigurations on the sacred islet of Pulu, western Zenadh Kes (Torres Strait). Australian Archaeology, 66 (66), 15-32. doi: 10.1080/03122417.2008.11681865
Van Tilburg, J. A., Kaeppler, A. L., Weisler, M. I., Cristino, C. and Spitzer, A. (2008). Petrographic analysis of thin-sections of samples from two monolithic statues (Moai), Rapa Nui (Easter Island). Journal of the Polynesian Society, 117 (3), 297-300.
Rosendahl, Daniel, Ulm, Sean and Weisler, Marshall I. (2007). Using foraminifera to distinguish between natural and cultural shell deposits in coastal eastern Australia. Journal of Archaeological Science, 34 (10), 1584-1593. doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2006.11.013
Collerson, Kenneth D. and Weisler, Marshall I. (2007). Stone Adze compositions and the extent of ancient polynesian voyaging and trade. Science, 317 (5846), 1907-1911. doi: 10.1126/science.1147013
Crouch, J., McNiven, I. J., David, B., Rowe, C. and Weisler, M. I. (2007). Berberass: Marine resource specialisation and environmental change in Torres Strait during the past 4000 years. Archaeology in Oceania, 42 (2), 49-64. doi: 10.1002/j.1834-4453.2007.tb00016.x
David, B., Fairbairn, A., Aplin, K., Murepe, L., Green, M., Stanisic, J., Weisler, M., Simala, D., Kokents, T., Dop, J. and Muke, J. (2007). OJP, a terminal Pleistocene archaeological site from the Gulf Province lowlands, Papua New Guinea. Archaeology in Oceania, 42 (1), 31-33. doi: 10.1002/j.1834-4453.2007.tb00013.x
Pregill, G.K. and Weisler, M.I. (2007). Lizards from prehistoric sites on Ebon Atoll, Marshall Islands. Micronesica, 39 (2), 107-115.
Xu, GP, Frey, FA, Clague, DA, Abouchami, W, Blichert-Toft, J, Cousens, B and Weisler, M (2007). Geochemical characteristics of West Molokai shield- and postshield-stage lavas: Constraints on Hawaiian plume models. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 8 (8) Q08G21, 1-40. doi: 10.1029/2006GC001554
David, B. and Weisler, M. I. (2006). Kurturawniaiwak (Badu) and the archaeology of villages in Torres Strait.. Australian Archaeology, 63 (1), 21-34. doi: 10.1080/03122417.2006.11681835
McNiven, Ian J., Dickinson, William R., David, Bruno, Weisler, Marshall, von Gnielinski, Friedrich, Carter, Melissa and Zoppi, Ugo (2006). Mask Cave: red-slipped pottery and the Australian-Papuan settlement of Zenadh Kes (Torres Strait).. Archaeology in Oceania, 41 (2), 49-81. doi: 10.1002/j.1834-4453.2006.tb00610.x
Weisler, Marshall I., Bollt, Robert and Findlater, Amy (2006). A new eastern limit of the Pacific Flying Fox, Pteropus tonganus(Chiroptera: Pteropodidae), in prehistoric Polynesia: a case of possible human transport and extirpation. Pacific Science, 60 (3), 403-411. doi: 10.1353/psc.2006.0020
Horrocks, Mark and Weisler, Marshall I. (2006). Analysis of plant microfossils in archaeological deposits from two remote archipelagos: The Marshall Islands, Eastern Micronesia, and the Pitcairn Group, Southeast Polynesia. Pacific Science, 60 (2), 261-280. doi: 10.1353/psc.2006.0004
Weisler, Marshall I., Collerson, Kenneth D., Feng, Yue-Xing, Zhao, Jian-Xin and Yu, Ke-Fu (2006). Thorium-230 coral chronology of a late prehistoric Hawaiian chiefdom. Journal of Archaeological Science, 33 (2), 257-273. doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2005.07.012
Weisler, M. I. (2006). The rise and fall of Picairn. Australasian Science, 27 (2), 28-30.
Horrocks, M and Weisler, MI (2006). A short note on starch and xylem of Colocasia esculenta (taro) in archaeological deposits from Pitcairn Island, southeast Polynesia. Journal of Archaeological Science, 33 (9), 1189-1193. doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2006.12.007
Horrocks, M. and Weisler, M. I. (2006). A short note on starch and xylem of Colocasia esculenta (taro) in archaeological deposits from Pitcairn Island, southeast Polynesia. Journal of Archaeological Science, 33 (9), 1189-1193. doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2005.12.007
Weisler, M. I. and Haslam, M. (2005). Determining the function of Polynesian volcanic glass artifacts: Preliminary results of a residue analysis. Hawaiin Archaeology, 10, 1-17.
Weisler, M. I. (2005). Book Review of: The Prehistoric Archaeology of Norfolk Island, Southwest Pacific. Asian Perspectives, 44 (2), 410-414.
Green, R. C. and Weisler, Marshall I. (2004). Prehistoric introduction and extinction of animals in Mangareva, Southeast Polynesia. Archaeology in Oceania, 39 (1), 34-41. doi: 10.1002/j.1834-4453.2004.tb00555.x
Weisler, M. I. (2004). A stone tool basalt source on Ata, Southern Tonga. New Zealand Journal of Archaeology, 25, 113-120.
Weisler, M. I. (2004). Contraction of the southeast Polynesian interaction sphere and resource depression on Temoe Atoll. New Zealand Journal of Archaeology, 25, 57-88.
Anderson, Atholl, Conte, Eric, Kirch, Patrick V. and Weisler, Marshall I. (2003). Cultural chronology in Mangareva (Gambier Islands), French Polynesia: Evidence from recent radiocarbon dating. Journal of The Polynesian Society, 112 (2), 119-140.
Weisler, Marshall I. (2002). Pacific Archaeology as Long‐Term History (Kirch's On the Road of the Winds). Current Anthropology, 43 (2), 343-344. doi: 10.1086/339385
Weisler, Marshall I. and Swindler, Daris (2002). Rocker jaws from the Marshall Islands: Evidence for interaction between eastern Micronesia and west Polynesia. People and Culture in Oceania, 18, 23-33.
Green, Roger C. and Weisler, Marshall I. (2002). The Mangarevan sequence and dating of the geographic expansion into Southeast Polynesia. Asian Perspectives, 41 (2), 213-241.
Weisler, Marshall I. (2001). Precarious landscapes: Prehistoric settlement of the Marshall Islands. Antiquity, 75 (287), 31-32. doi: 10.1017/S0003598X00052649
Hather, Jon G. and Weisler, Marshall I. (2000). Prehistoric giant swamp taro (Cyrtosperma chamissonis) from Henderson Island, southeast Polynesia. Pacific Science, 54 (2), 149-156.
Swindler, Daris R. and Weisler, Marshall I. (2000). Dental size and morphology of precontact Marshall Islanders (Micronesia) compared with other Pacific Islanders. Anthropological Science, 108 (3), 261-282. doi: 10.1537/ase.108.261
Weisler, Marshall I. (1999). Atolls as settlement landscapes: Ujae, Marshall Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin (459-465)
Waldren, Steve, Weisler, Marshall I., Hather, Jon G. and Morrow, Dylan (1999). The non-native vascular plants of Henderson Island, south central Pacific Ocean. Atoll Research Bulletin (459-465)
Weisler, Marshall I. (1999). The Antiquity of Aroid Pit Agriculture and Significance of Buried a Horizons on Pacific Atolls. Geoarchaeology - An International Journal, 14 (7), 621-654. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1520-6548(199910)14:7<621::AID-GEA2>3.0.CO;2-2
Weisler, Marshall I. (1998). Hard evidence for prehistoric interaction in polynesia. Current Anthropology, 39 (4), 521-532. doi: 10.1086/204768
Weisler, Marshall I. and Kirch, Patrick V. (1996). Interisland and interarchipelago transfer of stone tools in prehistoric Polynesia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 93 (4), 1381-1385. doi: 10.1073/pnas.93.4.1381
Weisler, Marshall I. and Woodhead, Jon D. (1995). Basalt Pb isotope analysis and the prehistoric settlement of Polynesia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 92 (6), 1881-1885. doi: 10.1073/pnas.92.6.1881
WEISLER, MARSHALL I. (1995). Henderson Island prehistory: colonization and extinction on a remote Polynesian island. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 56 (1-2), 377-404. doi: 10.1006/bijl.1995.0075
WEISLER, MARSHALL I. (1995). Henderson Island prehistory: colonization and extinction on a remote Polynesian island. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 56 (1-2), 377-404. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8312.1995.tb01099.x
Kirch, P. V. and Weisler, M. I. (1994). Archaeology in the Pacific Islands: An appraisal of recent research. Journal of Archaeological Research, 2 (4), 285-328. doi: 10.1007/BF02231482
Wragg, G. M. and Weisler, M. I. (1994). Extinctions and new records of birds from Henderson Island, Pitcairn Group, South Pacific Ocean. Notornis, 41 (1), 61-70.
Weisler, Marshall I. (1994). The settlement of marginal polynesia: New evidence from henderson Island. Journal of Field Archaeology, 21 (1), 83-102. doi: 10.1179/jfa.1994.21.1.83
Lewis, Walter H., Avioli, Louis V., Weisler, Marshall and Murakami, Gail M. (1991). Notes on economic plants. Economic Botany, 45 (2), 281-290. doi: 10.1007/BF02862055
Conference Papers
Weisler, M., Hua, Q. and Zhao, J.-X. (2007). Late Holocene C-14 marine reservoir ages in Hawaii from U-series dated corals. XVII INQUA Congress, Cairns, Australia, 27 July - 3 August, 2007. Oxford, England: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2007.04.001
Stefan, Vincent H., Weisler, Marshall I. and Collins, S. L. (2005). Henderson Island crania and their implication for south eastern Polynesian prehistory. VI International Conference on Easter Island and the Pacific, Vina del Mar, Chile, 21-25 September 2004. Los Osos, California, United States of America: Easter Island Foundation.
Weiser, M. (2003). Prehistoric settlement of Marginal Islands. International Conference for the 50th Anniversary of the First Lapita Excavation (July 1952): Pacific Archaeology: Assessments and Prospects, Kone, Noumea, New Caledonia, 31 July-7 August 2002. Noumea, New Caledonia: Book in Distribution.
Research Reports
Bruno, D. and Weisler, M. I. (2005). Kurturawniaiwak (Badu) and the Archaeology of Villages in the Torres Strait. Monash University: Programme for Australian Indigenous Archaeology.
Bruno, D. and Weisler, M. I. (2005). Archaeological Excavations at Gerain and Urakaraltam. Cultural Heritage Report Series 13 Monash University: Programme for Australian Indigenous Archaeology.
Anderson, A., Conte, E., Kirch, P. V. and Weisler, M. I. (2003). Annual report on Archaeological Fieldwork in Mangareva, Akamaru, & Kamaka Islands, Gambier Archipelago, French Polynesia: report prepared for Service de la Culture et du Patrimoine, Ministere de la Culture, Polynaise Francaise. French Polynesia: Service de la Culture et du Patrimoine.
Conte, Eric and Weisler, Marshall I. (2002). Recherches Archeologiques Sur L'Atoll de Temoe (Archipel des Gambier - Polynesie Francaise). Polynesie Francaise: Service de la Culture et du Patrimoine, Ministère de la Culture at de l'Enseignement Superieur, Gouvernment de la Polynesie Francaise.
Weisler, Marshall I. (2002). Archaeological Survey and Test Excavations on Ebon Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Republic of the Marshall Islands: Historic Preservation Office.