Emeritus Professor John Elkins
Emeritus Professor
School of Education

Louden, W., Chan, L. K., Elkins, J., Greaves, D., House, H., Milton, M., Nichols, S., Rivalland, J., Rohl, M. and van Kraayenoord, C. E. (2000). Mapping the Territory--Primary Students with Learning Difficulties: Literacy and Numeracy. Volume 3: Case Studies. Canberra: Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs.
Louden, W., Chan, L. K., Elkins, J., Greaves, D., House, H., Milton, M., Nichols, S., Rivalland, J., Rohl, M. and van Kraayenoord, C. E. (2000). Mapping the Territory--Primary Students with Learning Difficulties: Literacy and Numeracy. Volume 2: Analysis. Canberra: Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs.
Louden, William, Chan, Lorna K. S., Elkins, John, Greaves, Daryl, House, Helen, Milton, Marion, Nichols, Susan, Rivalland, Judith, Rohl, Mary and van Kraayenoord, Christa E. (2000). Mapping the Territory--Primary Students with Learning Difficulties: Literacy and Numeracy. Volume 1: Overview. Canberra, ACT, Australia: Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs.
Ashman, A. F. and Elkins, J. (1998). Educating children with special needs. 3rd ed. Sydney: Prentice Hall.
Ashman, Adrian and Elkins, John (1994). Educating children with special needs. 2nd ed. Sydney: Prentice Hall.
Ashman, Adrian and Elkins, John (1990). Educating children with special needs. Sydney: Prentice Hall.
Book Chapters
van Kraayenoord, Christina E. and Elkins, John (2012). Literacies and numeracy. Education for inclusion and diversity. (pp. 257-289) edited by Adrian Ashman and John Elkins. Frenchs Forest, Australia: Pearson.
Poed, Shiralee and Elkins, John (2012). Legislation, policies, and principles. Education for inclusion and diversity. (pp. 37-60) edited by Adrian Ashman and John Elkins. Frenchs Forest, Australia: Pearson.
van Kraayenoord, Christina E, Moni, Karen B, Jobling, Anne, Elkins, John, Koppenhaver, David and Miller, Robyn (2011). The writing achievement, metacognitive knowledge of writing and motivation of middle-school students with learning difficulties. Multiple perspectives on difficulties in learning literacy and numeracy. (pp. 213-234) edited by Claire Wyatt-Smith, John Elkins and Stephanie Gunn. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4020-8864-3_10
van Kraayenoord, C. and Elkins, J. (2009). Literacies and numeracy. Education for Inclusion and Diversity. (pp. 235-270) edited by A. Ashman and J. Elkins. Frenches Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia.
Elkins, J. (2009). Legislation, policies and principles. Education for Inclusion and Diversity. (pp. 35-56) edited by A. Ashman and J. Elkins. Frenches Forest, NSW.: Pearson Education Australia.
Elkins, J. (2005). Numeracy. Educating Children with Diverse Abilities. (pp. 215-245) edited by A. Ashman and J. Elkins. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia.
Elkins, J. (2005). The school context. Educating Children with Diverse Abilities. (pp. 37-64) edited by A. Ashman and J. Elkins. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia.
Wyatt-Smith, C., Cumming, J. and Elkins, J. (2005). Redesigning assessment. Teaching Middle years. (pp. 271-299) edited by D. Pendergast and N. Bahr. Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin.
Kataoka, M., van Kraayenoord, C. E. and Elkins, J. (2003). Why do students experience learning disabilities? A study of principals' perceptions in Japanese primary schools. Educational Imaginings: On the Play of Texts and Contexts. (pp. 269-294) edited by Jennifer A. Vadeboncoeur and Shaun Rawolle. Brisbane Australia: Australian Academic Press.
Ashman, A. F. and Elkins, J. (2002). Rights and learning opportunities. Educating Children with Diverse Abilities. (pp. 41-72) edited by Ashman, A. F. and Elkins, J.. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education.
Elkins, J. (2002). The school context. Educating Children with Diverse Abilities. (pp. 73-113) edited by A. F. Ashman and J. Elkins. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia.
Elkins, J. (2002). Numeracy. Educating children with diverse abilities. (pp. 436-469) edited by A. Ashman and J. Elkins. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W., Australia: Pearson Education Australia.
Elkins, J. (2001). Some comments on what is read and written. Literacy and the Curriculum: Success in Senior Secondary Schooling. (pp. 132-145) edited by J. Cumming and C. Wyatt-Smith. Melbourne: ACER Press.
Elkins, J. (2001). Learning disabilities in Australia. Research in Global Perspectives in Learning Disabilities. (pp. 181-195) edited by D.P. Hallahan and B.K. Keogh. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Elkins, J., Colbert, P. J. and Dole, S. (2000). Salmouth Primary School. Literacy, numeracy and students with disabilities: The case studies. (pp. 89-102) edited by C. E. van Kraayenoord and J. Elkins. Canberra, ACT, Australia: Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs.
White, C. Y. and Elkins, J. (2000). Preservice primary education and the teaching of students with learning difficulties or with disabilities in the areas of literacy and numeracy. Literacy, numeracy and students with disabilities: Teacher Education. (pp. 21-50) edited by C. E. van Kraayenoord and J. Elkins. Canberra: Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs.
Elkins, J. and Dole, S. (2000). Fleming State Primary School. Literacy, Numeracy and Students with Disabilities. Volume 3: The Case Studies. (pp. 165-175) edited by C. E. van Kraayenoord and J. Elkins. Canberra: DETYA Clearinghouse.
Gallaher, K., Elkins, J. and van Kraayenoord, C. E. (2000). Literacy, numeracy and students with social-emotional disabilities. Literacy, numeracy and students with disabilities: The literature reviews. (pp. 359-366) edited by C. E. van Kraayenoord and J. Elkins. Canberra: DETYA Clearinghouse.
Gallaher, K., Elkins, J. and van Kraayenoord, C. E. (2000). Literacy and students with severe communication difficulties--The use of augmentative and alternative communication systems. Literacy, numeracy and students with disabilities: The literature reviews. (pp. 341-353) edited by C. E. van Kraayenoord and J. Elkins. Canberra: DETYA Clearinghouse.
van Kraayenoord, C. E. and Elkins, J. (2000). Summary and conclusion. Literacy, numeracy and students with disabilities: Executive summary and synthesis. (pp. 139-162) edited by C. E. van Kraayenoord and J. Elkins. Canberra: Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs.
van Kraayenoord, C. E. and Elkins, J. (2000). Context, provision and teacher education. Literacy, numeracy and students with disabilities. (pp. 25-45) edited by C. E. van Kraayenoord, J. Elkins, C. Palmer, F. W. Rickards and P. Colbert. Canberra: DETYA Clearinghouse.
van Kraayenoord, C. E., Elkins, J., Palmer, C. and Rickards, F. (2000). Executive summary and implications. Literacy, Numeracy and Students with Disabilities. (pp. 1-14) edited by C. E. van Kraayenoord and J. Elkins. Canberra: DDepartment of Education, Training & Youth Affairs.
Wilkinson, I. A., Freebody, P. and Elkins, J. (2000). Reading research in Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand. Handbook of Reading Research. (pp. 3-16) edited by Michael L. Kamil, Peter Mosenthal, P. David Pearson and Rebecca Barr. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Ashman, A. F. and Elkins, J. (1998). Maximising the learning opportunities for all children. Educating children with special needs. (pp. ---) edited by A. F. Ashman and J. Elkins. Sydney: Prentice Hall.
Ashman , A. F. and Elkins, J. (1998). Education across the life-span. Educating children with special needs. (pp. ---) edited by A. F. Ashman and J. Elkins. Sydney: Prentice Hall.
Ashman, A. F. and Elkins, J. (1996). Schooling and integration. New approaches to Down syndrome. (pp. 341-357) edited by B. Stratford and P. Gunn. London: Cassell.
Ashman , A. F. and Elkins, J. (1994). A life-span approach to education. Educating children with special needs. (pp. 545-566) edited by A. Ashman and J. Elkins. Sydney: Prentice Hall.
Ashman, A. F. and Elkins, J. (1994). Providing learning opportunities for all children. Educating children with special needs. (pp. 1-35) edited by A. F. Ashman and J. Elkins. Sydney: Prentice Hall.
Ashman, A. F., Elkins, J. and van Kraayenoord, C. (1991). Intervention research in Australia. Intervention research in students with learning disabilities: An international perspective. (pp. 147-162) edited by B. Y. L. Wong. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Ashman, A. F. and Elkins, J. (1990). Special education across the lifespan. Educating children with special needs. (pp. 420-437) edited by A. F. Ashman and J. Elkins. Sydney: Prentice Hall.
Ashman, A. F. and Elkins, J. (1990). Special education and special children. Educating children with special needs. (pp. 1-31) edited by A. F. Ashman and J. Elkins. Sydney: Prentice Hall.
Ashman, A. F. and Elkins, J. (1990). Cooperative learning among special students. Children helping children. (pp. 207-233) edited by Foot, H. C., Morgan, M. J. and Shute, R. H.. Chichester: John Wiley.
Journal Articles
Elkins, J. (2007). Learning disabilities: Bringing fields and nations together. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 40 (5), 392-399. doi: 10.1177/00222194070400050201
Moni, K. B., Jobling, M. A., van Kraayenoord, C. E., Elkins, J., Miller, R. and Koppenhaver, D. (2007). Teachers' knowledge, attitudes and the implementation of practices around the teaching of writing in inclusive middle years' classrooms: No quick fix. Educational and Child Psychology, 24 (3), 18-36.
Koay, T., Sim, W. and Elkins, J. (2004). Learning assistance and regular teachers' perspectives on inclusive education in Brunei Darussalam: An exploration using focus groups. Journal of Education, 9 (1), 59-71.
van Kraayenoord, C. E. and Elkins, J. (2004). Learning difficulties in numeracy in Australia. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 37 (1), 32-41. doi: 10.1177/00222194040370010401
van Kraayenoord, C. E., Moni, K.B., Jobling, M. A., Koppenhaver, D. and Elkins, J. (2004). Developing the writing of middle school students with developmental disabilities: The writeideas model of writing. Literacy Learning: the Middle Years, 12 (2), 36-46.
Kataoka, M., van Kraayenoord, C. E. and Elkins, J. (2004). Principals' and teachers' perceptions of learning disabilities: A study from Nara Prefecture, Japan. Learning Disability Quarterly, 27 (3), 161-175. doi: 10.2307/1593666
Elkins, John, van Kraayenoord, Christina and Jobling, Margaret (2003). Parents’ attitudes to inclusion of their children with special needs. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 3 (2), 122-129. doi: 10.1111/1471-3802.00005
Carrington, Suzanne and Elkins, John (2002). Comparison of a traditional and an inclusive secondary school culture. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 6 (1), 1-16. doi: 10.1080/13603110110061754
Luke, A. and Elkins, J. (2002). Towards a critical, worldly literacy. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 45 (8), 668-673.
van Kraayenoord, C. E., Elkins, J., Palmer, C., Rickards, F. and Colbert, P. (2002). Australian teachers and the provision of professional development courses in literacy and numeracy for students with disabilities and learning difficulties. Literacy Learning: the Middle Years, 10 (1), 50-56.
Carrington, S. and Elkins, J. (2002). Comparison of a traditional and an inclusive secondary school culture. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 6 (1), 1-16.
Carrington, S. and Elkins, J. (2002). Bridging the gap between inclusive policy and inclusive culture in secondary schools. Support for Learning: British Journal of Learning Support, 17 (2), 51-57. doi: 10.1111/1467-9604.00236
Elkins, J. (2002). Learning difficulties/disabilities in literacy. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 25 (3), 11-18.
Elkins, J. (2002). Towards inclusion. Directions in Education, 11 (5), 2-2.
van Kraayenoord, C. E., Elkins, J., Palmer, C., Rickards, F. and Colbert, P. J. (2001). Literacy learning in the middle years for students with disabilities. Literacy Learning: The Middle Years, 9 (2), 9-15.
Arabsolghar, F. and Elkins, J. (2001). Teachers' expectations about students' use of reading strategies, knowledge and behaviour in Grades 3, 5 and 7. Journal of Research in Reading, 24 (2), 154-162. doi: 10.1111/1467-9817.00138
van Kraayenoord, C. E., Elkins, J., Palmer, C. and Rickards, F. (2001). Literacy for all: Findings from an Australian study. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 48 (4), 445-456. doi: 10.1080/10349120120094310
Arabsolghar, Fatemeh and Elkins, John (2000). Comparative expectations of teachers and parents with regard to memory skills in children with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 25 (3), 169-179. doi: 10.1080/13269780050144253
Luke, A. and Elkins, J. (2000). Special themed issue: Re/mediating adolescent literacies. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 43 (5), 396-398.
Luke, A. and Elkins, J. (2000). JAAL--the sequel. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 44 (1), 4-5.
Parsons, G., Elkins, J. and Sigafoos, J. (2000). Are people with intellectual disabilities just another customer? Interviews with business owners and staff. Mental Retardation, 38 (3), 244-252. doi: 10.1352/0047-6765(2000)038<0244:APWIDJ>2.0.CO;2
Arabsolghar, F. and Elkins, J. (2000). Comparative expectations of teachers and parents with regard to memory skills in children with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 25 (3), 169-179.
Elkins, J. (2000). All empires fall, you just have to know where to push: Antecedent issues for a study of learning difficulties in Australia. Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities, 5 (2), 4-7.
Smith, S., Carroll, A. and Elkins, J. (2000). Outreach and support for Australian university students with learning disabilities. Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities, 5 (1), 23-31. doi: 10.1080/19404150009546614
Elkins, J. and Luke, A. (1999). Redefining adolescent literacies. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 43 (3), 212-215.
van Kraayenoord, C. E., Luke, A., Elkins, J. and Land, R. G. (1999). The Queensland Year 2 Diagnostic Net: A critical commentary. Journal of Research in Reading, 22 (1), 95-105. doi: 10.1111/1467-9817.00073
Arabsolghar, F. and Elkins, J. (1999). Comparative expectations and knowledge of teachers and parents with regard to memory skills in children with learning difficulty. Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities, 4 (4), 6-13. doi: 10.1080/19404159909546604
Smith, S., Carroll, A. and Elkins, J. (1999). University students with learning disabilities: Results of a national survey. Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities, 4 (1), 18-30. doi: 10.1080/19404159909546583
Cumming, J. J. and Elkins, J. (1999). Lack of automaticity in the basic addition facts as a characteristic of arithmetic learning problems and instructional needs. Mathematical Cognition, 5 (2), 149-180.
Elkins, J. (1999). Guest comment. set Special 1999: Special Education, 2.
Christensen, C. A., Elkins, J., Ashman, A. F. and van Kraayenoord, C. E. (1996). Classroom support for Australian children who experience learning problems. Thalamus, 15 (2), 23-37.
Wilkinson, Ian A. G., Elkins, John and Bain, John D. (1995). Individual differences in story comprehension and recall of poor readers. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 65 (4), 393-407. doi: 10.1111/j.2044-8279.1995.tb01161.x
Leong, Che Kan and Elkins, John (1993). Introduction to festschrift for professor john mcleod. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 40 (1), 1-4. doi: 10.1080/0156655930400101
Conference Papers
van Kraayenoord, Christina, Moni, Karen, Jobling, Anne, Elkins, John, Miller, Robyn and Koppenhaver, David (2009). The writing achievement of middle school students with developmental disabilities and learning difficulties. Earli 2009: 13th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. Fostering Communities of Learners, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 25-29 August 2009.
van Kraayenoord, C. E., Moni, K. B., Jobling, A., Elkins, J., Koppenhaver, D. and Miller, R. (2007). Metacognitive knowledge, attitudes and self-perceptions of writing: A study of middle school students with developmental disabilities and learning difficulties. Earli 2007: 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction: Developing Potentials for Learning, Budapest, Hungary, 28 August-1 September 2007.
Van Krayenoord, C. E., Moni, K. B., Jobling, A., Koppenhaver, D. and Elkins, J. (2007). Teacher attitudes, knowledge and practices of writing in the context of instruction for students with special needs in inclusive classrooms. 11th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Nicosia, Cyprus, 23-27 August 2005.
van Kraayenoord, Christina E., Moni, Karen B., Jobling, Anne, Elkins, John, Miller, Robyn and Koppenhaver, David (2006). Metacognitive knowledge of writing: Students and individual differences. Earli SIG16 Metacognition Conference 2006: 2nd international biennial conference of the Metacognition Special Interest Group (SIG 16) of the European Association of Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Cambridge, U. K., 19-21 July 2006.
van Kraayenoord, C. E., Moni, K. B., Jobling, A., Koppenhaver, D., Elkins, J. and Miller, R. (2006). Teaching writing to students with learning difficulties in inclusive classrooms: Lessons from an exemplary teacher. 2006 International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities Conference, Boulder, United States, 13-15 July 2006.
van Kraayenoord, C. E., Moni, K. B., Jobling, A., Koppenhaver, D., Elkins, J., Muckert, T. and Miller, R. (2005). Teaching writing across the middle years of schooling: An inclusive perspective. Pleasure, Passion, Provocation: Pleasurable Learning, Passionate Teaching, Provocative Debates: AATE/ALEA Joint Annual National Conference 2005, Broadbeach, Qld., Australia, 1-4 July 2005. Norwood, S.A., Australia: Australian Association for the Teaching of English and Australian Literacy Educators' Association.
van Kraayenoord, C. E. and Elkins, J. (2005). Differentiated instruction in inclusive classrooms. 50th Annual Convention of the International Reading Association, Texas, U.S., 1-5 May, 2005.
Kataoka, Mika, van Kraayenoord, Christina E. and Elkins, John (2005). Teachers' perceptions of support for students with learning disabilities: A case study of a primary school in Nara Prefecture, Japan. 29th Annual International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities (IARLD) Conference, Valencia, Spain, 7-9 July 2005.
van Kraayenoord, C. E. and Elkins, J. (2003). Learning difficulties in numeracy in Australia. International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities Annual Meeting: International Perspectives on Mathematics and Learning Disabilities, Bangor, Wales, 2003.
Elkins, J. (1999). Issues in inclusion. Best Practices for Inclusion of Students with Disabilities, Ansan, Korea, 3-4 November, 1999. Ansan, Korea: Korea Institute for Special Education.
Arabsolghar, F. and Elkins, J. (1999). Teachers' expectations of reading knowledge and reading behaviour of students with learning difficulties and those of low ability. Australian Resource Educators 1999 National Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 27-30 June 1999. Melbourne: Aust. Resource Educators Association.
Sharma, S., Carroll, A., Sigafoos, J. S. and Elkins, J. (1999). Problem behaviour in children with vision impairment: Understanding social behaviour through an integrated approach. 35th Annual Conference of the Australian Society for the Study of Intellectual Disability, Sydney, Australia, 27-30 September 1999. Sydney, Australia: Australian Society for the Study of Intellectual Disability.
Elkins, J. (1999). Practices and issues in inclusion: Contextual background for inclusion in Queensland. Best Practices for Inclusion of Students with Disabilities, Ansan, Korea, 3-4 November 1999. Ansan, Korea: Korea Institute of Special Education.
Reference Entry
Elkins, J. and Luke, A. (2002). Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy.
Research Reports
Koay, T., Sim, W.K. and Elkins, J. (2004). Teacher education initiatives on inclusive education in Brunei Darussalam. Brunei Darusslam: Universiti Brunei Darussalam.
Koay, T. L., Sim, W. and Elkins, J. (2004). A focus group study on inclusive education in Brunei Darussalam. Brunei Darussalam: University Brunei Darussalam.
Luke, Allan, Elkins, John, Weir, Katie, Land, Ray, Carrington, Victoria, Dole, Shelley, Pendergast, Donna, Kapitzke, Cushla, van Kraayenoord, Christa, Moni, Karen, McIntosh, Alistair, Mayer, Diane, Bahr, Mark, Hunter, Lisa, Chadbourne, Rod, Bean, Tom, Alverman, Donna and Stevens, Lisa (2003). Beyond the middle: A report about literacy and numeracy development of target group students in the middle years of schooling: Volume 1. St Lucia, Brisbane: School of Education, The University of Queensland.
Luke, Allan, Elkins, John, Weir, Katie, Land, Ray, Carrington, Victoria, Dole, Shelly, Pendergast, Donna, Kapitzke, Cushla, van Kraayenoord, Christa, Moni, Karen, McIntosh, Alistair, Mayer, Diane, Bahr, Mark, Hunter, Lisa, Chadbourne, Rod, Bean, Tom, Alverman, Donna and Stevens, Lisa (2003). Beyond the middle: A report about literacy and numeracy development of target group students in the middle years of schooling: Volume 2 (Appendices). Canberra, ACT, Australia: Department of Education, Science and Training.
Jobling, M.A., van Kraayenoord, C. E. and Elkins, J. (2001). Supportive Administration for Special Education and Inclusive Education: Low Incidence Unit in Queensland, Australia. Brisbane: University of Queensland.
Elkins, J. and Ashman, A. F. (1992). A controlled research study of students with learning difficulties. The University of Queensland, St Lucia: and Eleanor Schonell Special Education Research Centre.
Elkins, J., Ashman, A. F., van Kraayenoord, C. E. and Christensen, C. (1992). Review of the policy statement on the education of students with learning difficulties from pre-school to year 12. The University of Queensland, St Lucia: Fred and Eleanor Schonell Special Education Research Centre.