Emeritus Professor David de Vaus
Emeritus Professor
Institute for Social Science Research

de Vaus, David (2005). Healthy ageing: Practical pointers on keeping well. Manila: World Health Organisation.
de Vaus, David A. (2004). Diversity and change in Australian families: Statistical profiles. Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
de Vaus, David (2003). Ageing and health: a health promotion approach for developing countries. Manila: World Health Organisation.
de Vaus, D.A. (2001). Research design in social research. London: Sage.
Book Chapters
de Vaus, David (2016). Survey research. Research methods for postgraduates: third edition. (pp. 202-213) edited by Tony Greenfield and Sue Greener. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1002/9781118763025.ch21
de Vaus, David (2012). Social trends and their impact on couple and family relationships. The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of couples and family relationships. (pp. 25-35) edited by Patricia Noller and Gery C. Karantzas. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1002/9781444354119.ch2
de Vaus, David (2012). Family. Sociology: antipodean perspectives. (pp. 279-283) edited by Peter Beilharz and Trevor Hogan. South Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press.
de Vaus, David, Gray, Matthew, Qu, Lixia and Stanton, David (2010). The effect of relationship breakdown on income and social exclusion. Social Security, Poverty and Social Exclusion in Rich and Poorer Countries. (pp. 265-288) edited by Peter Saunders, Roy Sainsbury and Peter A. Kemp. Antwerp, Belgium: Intersentia Uitgevers.
de Vaus, David (2008). Australian families: Social and demographic patterns. Families in a global context. (pp. 379-406) edited by Charles B. Hennon and Stephan M. Wilson. New York, United States: Routledge.
de Vaus, D. (2008). Comparative and cross-national designs. The Sage Handbook of Social Research Methods. (pp. 249-264) edited by Alasuutari, Pertti, Bickman, Leonard and Brannen, Julia. London: Sage.
de Vaus, David (2007). Social surveys - A review. Social Surveys 2: History, Ethics and Criticisms (Vol 1). (pp. 21-44) London: Sage.
de Vaus, David A. (2006). Research design: a review. Research Design. (pp. 23-55) edited by D. de Vaus. London: Sage.
de Vaus, David (2006). Family. Sociology: Place, time and division. (pp. 231-235) edited by Peter Beilharz and Trevor Hogan. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
de Vaus, David (2006). Prospective study. The SAGE dictionary of social research methods. (pp. 243-244) edited by Victor Jupp. London, United Kingdom: Sage Publications. doi: 10.4135/9780857020116
de Vaus, David (2006). Retrospective study. (pp. 269-270) edited by Victor Jupp. London, United Kingdom: Sage Publications. doi: 10.4135/9780857020116
de Vaus, David (2006). Experiment. The SAGE dictionary of social research methods. (pp. 106-108) edited by Victor Jupp. London, United Kingdom: Sage Publications. doi: 10.4135/9780857020116
de Vaus, David (2006). Social survey. The SAGE dictionary of social research methods. (pp. 284-285) edited by Victor Jupp. London, United Kingdom: Sage Publications. doi: 10.4135/9780857020116
de Vaus, D. (2005). Australian families. Handbook of world families. (pp. 67-98) edited by Bert N. Adams and Jan Trost. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
de Vaus, David (2005). Case study design. Research design. (pp. 5-20) edited by David de Vaus. London: Sage Publications.
de Vaus, David A. (2004). Survey. The SAGE encyclopedia of social science research methods. (pp. 1102-1104) edited by Michael S. Lewis-Beck, Alan Bryman and Tim Futing Liao. Thousand Oaks, CA, United States: Sage Publications.
de Vaus, David A. (2004). Structured questionnaires and interviews. Handbook of research methods for nursing and health science. (pp. 347-392) edited by Victor Minichiello. Sydney: Pearson Education.
de Vaus, David A. (2004). Research design. The Sage Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods. (pp. 964-965) edited by Michael S. Lewis-Beck, Alan E. Bryman and Tim Futing Liao. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Wells, Yvonne and de Vaus, David (2003). Work stress and caregiver stress. Work Stress: Studies of the Context, Content and Outcomes of Stress. A Book of Readings. (pp. 223-244) edited by Chris L. Peterson and Vicente Navarro. Amityville, NY, U.S.A.: Baywood Publishing.
de Vaus, David and Wells, Y. (2003). Work related stress among older workers and retirees. Work Stress Studies of the Context, Content and Outcomes of Stress. (pp. 245-269) Amityville, New York: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.
Journal Articles
De Vaus, David, Gray, Matthew, Qu, Lixia and Stanton, David (2017). The economic consequences of divorce in six OECD countries. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 52 (2), 180-199. doi: 10.1002/ajs4.13
de Vaus, David, Gray, Matthew, Qu, Lixia and Stanton, David (2014). The economic consequences of divorce in Australia. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 28 (1), 26-47. doi: 10.1093/lawfam/ebt014
Qu, Lixia and de Vaus, David A. (2011). Starting and ending one-person households: a longitudinal analysis. Journal of Family Studies, 17 (2), 126-145. doi: 10.5172/jfs.2011.17.2.126
Gray, Matthew, de Vaus, David, Qu, Lixia and Stanton, David (2011). Divorce and the wellbeing of older Australians. Ageing and Society, 31 (03), 475-498. doi: 10.1017/S0144686X10001017
De Vaus, David (2009). Balancing family work and paid work: gender-based equality in the new democratic family. Journal of Family Studies, 15 (2), 118-121. doi: 10.5172/13229400.2009.11004018
Qu, Lixia, Weston, Ruth and de Vaus, David (2009). Cohabitation and beyond: The contribution of each partner's relationship satisfaction and fertility aspirations to pathways of cohabiting couples. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 40 (4), 587-601. doi: 10.3138/jcfs.40.4.587
Hewitt, Belinda and De Vaus, David (2009). Change in the association between premarital cohabitation and separation, Australia 1945-2000. Journal of Marriage and Family, 71 (2), 353-361. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-3737.2009.00604.x
Wells, Yvonne, de Vaus, David, Kendig, Hal and Quine, Susan (2009). Health and wellbeing through work and retirement transitions in mature age: Understanding pre-post and retrospective measures of change. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 69 (4), 287-310. doi: 10.2190/AG.69.4.c
McNair, Ruth, Brown, Rhonda, Perlesz, Amaryll, Lindsay, Jo, de Vaus, David and Pitts, Marian (2008). Lesbian parents negotiating the health care system in Australia. Health Care for Women International, 29 (2), 91-114. doi: 10.1080/07399330701827094
Quine, Susan, Wells, Yvonne, De Vaus, David and Kendig, Hal (2007). When choice in retirement decisions is missing: Qualitative and quantitative findings of impact on well-being. Australasian Journal of Ageing, 26 (4), 173-179. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-6612.2007.00251.x
de Vaus, David and Gray, Matthew (2007). In what types of families do children now live? Changes from 1946-2001. Families, Incomes and Jobs, 2, 2-5.
de Vaus, David, Wells, Yvonne, Kendig, Hal and Quine, Susan (2007). Does gradual retirement have better outcomes than abrupt retirement? Results from an Australian panel study. Ageing and Society, 27 (5), 667-682. doi: 10.1017/S0144686X07006228
Lindsay, Jo, Perlesz, Amaryll, Brown, Rhonda, McNair, Ruth, de Vaus, David and Pitts, Marian (2006). Stigma or respect: Lesbian-parented families negotiating school settings. Sociology, 40 (6), 1059-1077. doi: 10.1177/0038038506069845
Gray, Matthew, Qu, Lixia, Renda, Jennifer and de Vaus, David (2006). Changes in the labour force status of lone and couple Australian mothers, 1983-2005. Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 9 (4), 395-416.
Perlesz, Amaryll, Brown, Rhonda, McNair, Ruth, Lindsay, Jo, Pitts, Marian and de Vaus, David (2006). Full spaces, full lives: Response to commentary by Stephen Hicks. Lesbian and Gay Psychology Review, 7 (2), 231-233.
Perlesz, Amaryll, Brown, Rhonda, Lindsay, Jo, McNair, Ruth, de Vaus, David and Pitts, Marian (2006). Family in transition: parents, children and grandparents in lesbian families give meaning to 'doing family'. Journal of Family Therapy, 28 (2), 175-199. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6427.2006.00345.x
Perlesz, Amaryll, Brown, Rhonda, McNair, Ruth, Lindsay, Jo, Pitts, Marian and de Vaus, David (2006). Lesbian family disclosure: Authenticity and safety within private and public domains. Lesbian & Gay Psychology Review, 7 (1), 54-65.
Baxter, Janeen and de Vaus, David (2005). Editors' introduction to the special issue. 'Life pathways: Insights from longitudinal research'. Journal of Sociology, 41 (4), 339-342. doi: 10.1177/1440783305058454
de Vaus, David, Qu, Lixia and Weston, Ruth (2005). The disappearing link between premarital cohabitation and subsequent marital stability. Journal of Population Research, 22 (2), 99-118. doi: 10.1007/BF03031824
de Vaus, David (2005). Ex-nuptual children in Australia: An empirical analysis of nonmarital births. Journal of Family Studies, 11 (1), 36-45. doi: 10.5172/jfs.327.11.1.36
de Vaus, David and Wells, Yvonne (2004). What should mature-age workers do to promote health and wellbeing in retirement?. Health Issues (80), 23-26.
Dempsey, Ken and de Vaus, David (2004). Who cohabits in 2001? The significance of age, gender, religion and ethnicity. Journal of Sociology, 40 (2), 157-178.
de Vaus, David A and Gray, Matthew (2004). The changing living arrangements of children, 1946-2001. Journal of Family Studies, 10 (1), 9-19. doi: 10.5172/jfs.327.10.1.9
Gray, Matthew, Qu, Lixia, de Vaus, David and Millward, Christine (2003). Determinants of Australian mothers' employment: An analysis of lone and couple mothers. Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 6 (4), 597-617.
Wells, Yvonne, Petralia, Walter, De Vaus, David and Kendig, Hal (2003). Recruitment for a panel study of Australian retirees: Issues in recruiting from rare and nonenumerated populations. Research On Aging, 25 (1), 36-64. doi: 10.1177/0164027502238342
de Vaus, David, Gray, Matthew and Stanton, David (2003). The value of unpaid work of older Australians. Family Matters, 66, 34-39.
de Vaus, David and Gray, Matthew (2003). Family transitions among Australia's children. Family Matters, 65, 10-17.
de Vaus, David, Qu, Lixia and Weston, Ruth (2003). Changing patterns of partnering. Family Matters, 64, 10-15.
de Vaus, David, Qu, Lixia and Weston, Ruth (2003). Premarital cohabitation and subsequent marital stability. Family Matters, 65, 34-39.
Conference Papers
de Vaus, David, Gray, Matthew, Qu, Lixia and Stanton, David (2008). The financial consequences of divorce for later life. Thirteenth International Research Seminar on 'Issues in Social Security': Social Protection in an Ageing World, Sigtuna, Sweden, 16-18 June 2006. Antwerp, Belgium: Intersentia.
Hewitt, Belinda and de Vaus, David (2007). The association between premarital cohabitation and marriage breakdown: Continuity and change in Australian marriages 1945-2000. The 5th Meeting of the European Network for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce, School of Economics, London England, 17-18 September, 2007.
de Vaus, David, Gray, Matthew and Stanton, David (2003). Measuring the value of unpaid household, caring and voluntary work of older Australians. International Social Security Association Fourth International Conference on Social Security, Antwerp, Belgium, 5-7 May 2003. Geneva, Switzerland: International Social Security Association.
de Vaus, David, Qu, Lixia and Weston, Ruth (2003). Does premarital cohabitation affect the chances of marriage lasting?. 8th Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference, Melbourne, 12-14 February 2003. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
de Vaus, David and Wells, Yvonne (2003). For better or for worse but not for lunch: the impact of retirement on marriage. 8th Australian Family Research Conference, Melbourne, 12-14 February, 2003. Australia: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Research Reports
Gray, Matthew, de Vaus, David, Qu, Lixia and Stanton, David (2010). Divorce and the wellbeing of older Australians. Research paper No. 46 Melbourne, Vic, Australia: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
de Vaus, David, Gray, Matthew, Qu, Lixia and Stanton, David (2007). The consequences of divorce for financial living standards in later life. Australian Institute of Family Studies Research Paper series; 38 Melbourne, Australia: Australian Institute of Family Studies..
Wells, Yvonne, de Vaus, David, Kendig, Hal, Quine, Sue and Peteralia, Walter (2006). Healthy retirement project: Technical report. Latrobe University.
de Vaus, David, Gray, Matthew and Stanton, David (2003). Measuring the value of unpaid household, caring and voluntary work of older Australians. Research paper, no. 34 Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.
Gray, Matthew, Qu, Lixia, Renda, Jennifer and de Vaus, David (2003). Changes in the labour force status of lone and couple Australian mothers, 1983-2002. Research paper (Australian Institute of Family Studies), no. 33 (2003 Jun.) Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.