Emeritus Professor Andrew Jones
Emeritus Professor
Institute for Social Science Research

Book Chapters
Jones, Andrew and Petersen, Maree (2014). Older people. Homelessness in Australia, an introduction. (pp. 135-154) edited by Chris Chamberlain, Guy Johnson and Catherine Robinson. Sydney, NSW, Australia: NewSouth Publishing.
Smyth, P. G., Reddel, T. and Jones, A. E. (2005). Introduction. Community and Local Governance in Australia. (pp. 1-12) edited by P. Smyth, T. Reddel and A. Jones. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press.
Smyth, Paul, Reddel, Tim and Jones, Andrew (2005). Associational governance in Queensland. Community and local governance in Australia. (pp. 37-56) edited by Paul Smyth, Tim Reddel and Andrew Jones. Sydney, Australia: University of New South Wales Press.
Jones, A. E. (2000). Social work: an enterprising profession in a competitive environment. Social Work and The Human Services. (pp. 150-163) edited by I. O'Connor, P. Smith and J. Warburton. Malaysia: Longman.
Journal Articles
Parsell, Cameron and Jones, Andrew (2014). Bold reform or policy overreach? Australia's attack on homelessness. International Journal of Housing Policy, 14 (4), 427-443. doi: 10.1080/14616718.2014.967923
Spallek, Melanie, Haynes, Michele and Jones, Andrew (2014). Holistic housing pathways for Australian families through the childbearing years. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 5 (2), 205-226. doi: 10.14301/llcs.v5i2.276
Howe, Anna L., Jones, Andrew E. and Tilse, Cheryl (2013). What's in a name? Similarities and differences in international terms and meanings for older peoples' housing with services. Ageing and Society, 33 (4), 547-578. doi: 10.1017/S0144686X12000086
Parsell, Cameron, Jones, Andrew and Head, Brian (2013). Policies and programmes to end homelessness in Australia: learning from international practice. International Journal of Social Welfare, 22 (2), 186-194. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2397.2012.00884.x
Henman, Paul and Jones, Andrew (2012). Exploring the use of residual measures of housing affordability in Australia: Methodologies and concepts. AHURI Final Report (180), i-35.
Petersen, Maree and Jones, Andrew (2011). Homelessness and older Australians: Developing a research evidence base. Parity, 24 (9), 31-32.
de Jonge, Desleigh M., Jones, Andrew, Phillips, Rhonda and Chung, Magdalene (2011). Understanding the essence of home: Older people's experience of home in Australia. Occupational Therapy International, 18 (1), 39-47. doi: 10.1002/oti.312
Phillips, Rhonda, Jones, Andrew and Head, Brian (2010). Service integration : The Holy Grail for human services. Parity, 23 (8), 16-17.
Jones, Andrew, Howe, Anna, Tilse, Cheryl, Bartlett, Helen and Stimson, Bob (2010). Housing, support and care for older Australians: The role of service integrated housing. AHURI Research and Policy Bulletin (130).
Jones, Andrew, Howe, Anna, Tilse, Cheryl, Bartlett, Helen and Stimson, Bob (2010). Service integrated housing for Australians in later life. AHURI Final Report (141), 1-169.
Seelig, Tim, Han, Jung Hoon, O’Flaherty, Martin, Haynes, Michele, Western, Mark, Short, Trisch, Baum, Scott and Jones, Andrew (2008). What are the housing tenure pathways of income support recipients over time?. Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) Research and Policy Bulletin (103), 1-4.
McNelis, Sean, Neske, Caroline, Jones, Andrew and Phillips, Rhonda (2008). Older people in public housing: policy and management issues. Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) Research and Policy Bulletin (109), 1-6.
Jones, Andrew, Tilse, Cheryl, Earl, George and Bell, Martin (2008). Rental housing provision for lower-income older Australians. Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) Research and Policy Bulletin (96), 1-4.
Jones, Andrew, Bell, Martin, Tilse, Cheryl and Earl, George (2007). Rental housing provision for lower-income older Australians. AHURI Final Report, 1-99.
Seelig, Tim and Jones, Andrew (2006). Sustaining tenancies: definitions, directions, debates. Housing Works, 4 (2), 2-8.
Seelig, Tim and Jones, Andrew (2005). Enhancing research-policy linkages in Australian housing. Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI) Research and Policy Bulletin (57), 1-4.
Jones, A. E. (2005). Social inclusion and exclusion: A new perspective for analysing homelessness?. Parity, 18 (1), 11-13.
Seelig, Tim and Jones, Andrew (2004). Sustaining tenancies in public housing: Motives, issues and options. Parity: The publication of the Council to the Homeless Persons, 2 (2), 21-22.
Smyth, Paul, Reddel, Tim and Jones, Andrew (2004). Social inclusion, new regionalism and associational governance: The Queensland experience. International Journal of Urban And Regional Research, 28 (3), 601-615. doi: 10.1111/j.0309-1317.2004.00538.x
McDonald, C. and Jones, A. E. (2000). Professional futures? Progressing the debate. Australian Social Work, 53 (3), 19-20.
McDonald, C. and Jones, A. E. (2000). Reconstructing and re-conceptualising social work in the emerging milieu. Australian Social Work, 53 (3), 3-11.
Jones, A. E. and Smyth, P. G. (1999). Social exclusion: A new framework for social policy analysis?. Just Policy, 17, 11-21.
Conference Papers
Davis, Kristen, James, Amity and Jones, Andrew (2013). Can integrated case management reduce the incidence of homelessness: Findings from the Homelessness Service Integration Demonstration Project. 7th Australasian Housing Researchers' Conference 2013, Fremantle, Western Australia, 6-8 February, 2013.
De Jonge, Desleigh M., Jones, Andrew and Phillips, Rhonda (2008). The impact of home maintenance and modification services on aging in place. ICADI: 4th International Conference on Aging, Disability and Independence, St Petersburg, Florida, U.S., 21-23 February 2008. Florida, U.S.: University of Florida.
Jones, A. E., Reddel, T. and Smyth, P. G. (2001). Local governance and social inclusion: Towards an effective place policy framework.. Local Governance and Social Inclusion: Places and Politics, St Lucia, 26 July, 2001. St Lucia: The School of Social Work and Social Policy, UQ.
Research Reports
Jones, Andrew, Povey, Jenny, Baffour, Bernie, Clague, Denise, Haynes, Michele, Cook, Stephanie and Lucio, Eduardo (2015). Tasmanian HACC Program Client Group Analysis: Final Report: Prepared for Department of Health and Human Services, Tasmania. St Lucia, Queensland, Australia: The University of Queensland, Institute for Social Science Research.
Jones, Andrew, Phillips, Rhonda, Parsell, Cameron and Dingle, Genevieve (2014). Review of systemic issues for social housing clients with complex needs. St Lucia QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland, Institute for Social Science Research.
Jones, Andrew, Phillips, Rhonda, Parsell, Cameron and Dingle, Genevieve (2014). Review of systematic issues for social housing clients with complex needs. St Lucia, Qld Australia: The University of Queensland Institute for Social Science Research.
Petersen, Maree and Jones, Andrew (2013). Addressing later life homelessness. ISSR Research Report Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland, Institute for Social Science Research.
Parsell, Cameron, Tomaszewski, Wojtek and Jones, Andrew (2013). An Evaluation of Sydney Way2Home: Final Report. ISSR Research Report Brisbane, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland, Institute for Social Science Research.
Parsell, Cameron, Wojtek Tomaszewski and Jones, Andrew (2013). An Evaluation of Brisbane Street to Home: Final Report. ISSR Research Report Brisbane, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland, Institute for Social Science Research.
Martin, Bill, Yerkes, Mara, Hewitt, Belinda, Baird, M., Jones, Andrew Eric, Rose, Emily, Rose, Judith, Davis, K., Coles, Laetitia and Xiang, Ning (2013). Paid parental leave evaluation: Phase 2 report. Canberra, ACT, Australia: Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs.
Jones, Andrew, Davis, Kristen and James, Amity (2012). Evaluation of Townsville Homelessness Service Integration Demonstration Project: final report. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland, Institute for Social Science Research.
Phillips, Rhonda, Head, Brian and Jones, Andrew (2011). Integrated responses to homelessness in Australia: an analysis of ‘joined up’ policy and practice. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland, Institute for Social Science Research.
James, Amity, Phillips, Rhonda, Jones, Andrew, Josey, Natalie, Seage, Nicola and Foster, Michele (2009). Provision of Casemix Review: Literature review. Brisbane, Qld, Australia: University of Queensland Social Research Centre (UQSRC).
Phillips, Rhonda, Milligan, Vivienne and Jones, Andrew (2009). Integration and social housing in Australia: theory and practice. AHURI Final Report No. 129 Melbourne: Australian Housing & Urban Research Institute.
Jones, Andrew and Phillips, Rhonda (2009). Enhancing the effectiveness of Australian social housing integration initiatives. Melbourne, VIC Australia: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI).
Jones, Andrew, De Jonge, Desleigh and Phillips, Rhonda (2008). The role of home maintenance and modification services in achieving health, community care and housing outcomes in later life. AHURI Final Report Melbourne, Australia: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute.
Jones, Andrew, Tilse, Cheryl, Bartlett, Helen and Stimson, Robert (2008). Intergated housing, support and care for people in later life. AHURI Positioning Paper Melbourne Australia: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute.
Jones, Andrew, Tilse, Cheryl, Bartlett, Helen and Stimson, Robert (2008). Integrated housing, support and care for people in later life. AHURI Positioning Paper Melbourne: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute.
McNelis, Sean, Neske, Caroline, Jones, Andrew and Phillips, Rhonda (2008). Older persons in public housing: the policy and management issues. AHURI Final Report Melbourne: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute.
Jones, Andrew E., Tilse, Cheryl, Bartlett, Helen and Stimson, Robert (2008). The impact of home maintenance and modification services on health, community care and housing outcomes in later life. AHURI Positioning Papers: 108 Melbourne: AHURI (Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute).
Jones, Andrew, Phillips, Rhonda and Milligan, Vivienne (2007). Integration and social housing in Australia: Challenges and options. AHURI Positioning Paper series Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute.
Jones, Andrew, Lawrence, Geoffrey, Muirhead, Bruce, Bartlett, Helen, Cheshire, Lynda, Woolcock, G., Graham, Philip, Rosenblatt, Ted and Walters, P. (2007). Building Sustainable Social Capital in New Communities: Report to the Industry Partner. St Lucia, Brisbane: The University of Queensland.
Seelig, Tim, Han, Jung Hoon, O'Flaherty, Martin, Short, Patricia, Haynes, Michele A., Baum, Scott William, Western, Mark C. and Jones, Andrew (2005). Housing consumption patterns and earnings behaviour of income support recipients over time. AHURI Positioning Papers Melbourne, Australia: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute.
Jones, Andrew and Seelig, Timothy (2005). Enhancing research-policy linkages in Australian housing: an options paper. Melbourne: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI).
Jones, Andrew, Bell, Martin, Tilse, Cheryl and Earl, William (2004). Rental housing provision for lower income older Australians. Positioning Papers Australia: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute.
Jones, Andrew and Seelig, Timothy (2004). Understanding and enhancing research-policy linkages in Australian housing: A discussion paper. Melbourne, Australia: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI).