Researcher biography

Katelyn Barney is an Associate Professor in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit and affiliated with the School of Music. Katelyn is also Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Principal Practitioner in the Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation. Her teaching has been recognised through a UQ Teaching Excellence Award with her colleague Professor Tracey Bunda for their innovative and inclusive co-teaching approach, developing the podcast Indigenising Curriculum in Practice and embedding storying in teaching. Her research focuses on improving pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students into and through higher education and advancing understanding about the role of collaborative research and music making between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous people. She has published across these areas and her latest edited book, Musical Collaboration between Indigenous and non-Indigenous People in Australia: Exchanges in the Third Space, received the Ellen Koskoff Edited Volume Prize. She is also Managing Editor of The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education.

She was an Equity Fellow with the Australian Centre for Student Equity and Success (formerly NCSEHE) and her fellowship explored effective evaluation of university outreach with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander secondary school students. Katelyn has also collaborated with Professor Bronwyn Fredericks and colleagues across five universities to undertake a ACSES funded project to build the evidence to improve completion rates for Indigenous tertiary students.

Katelyn is an Australian Learning and Teaching Fellow and her National Teaching Fellowship focused on developing pathways for Indigenous students from undergraduate study into Higher Degrees by Research.