HASS Careers and Employability

As a student of the humanities, arts and social sciences you are uniquely placed to work on solving the complex issues of the future. Your skills are, and will continue to be, in high demand. However, you probably won’t find many job ads labelled HASS Specialist. That’s why you should find opportunities to apply your studies to different work contexts.  

  Work integrated learning

Work integrated learning is a for-credit opportunity to get exposure to authentic work scenarios as part of your study. Many HASS programs have work integrated learning embedded within compulsory courses, while other programs include work integrated learning electives. Explore the options available in your School below!

  Work experience

Work experience is a type of on-the-job training that is not a requirement of your studies. It allows you to enhance your learning in a professional environment to gain a competitive edge in the job market. There are some strict conditions around unpaid work experience. For example, these experiences need to be focused on learning, aligned to your area of study, and limited to no more than 30 days per calendar year.   

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 Casual and part-time jobs

If you are looking for formal employment, UQ Student Hub lists job vacancies from employers, both locally and internationally. Check out SEEK, Ethical Jobs and LinkedIn to explore job opportunities while you study. There are also many non-profits looking for volunteers through Volunteering Queensland.  

Access UQ Student Hub 

  UQ enrichment programs

UQ offers a range of enrichment programs alongside your studies, including Student-Staff Partnership Program, Summer & Winter Research Programs, Ventures Entrepreneurship Programs, and Get Involved Volunteering. Join the HASS Connect Mentoring Program where you can get advice from industry professionals about your career options and goals. These programs offer an ideal way to build your skills and extend your professional and personal networks.   

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  Career development resources 

Not sure where to start with your job applications? The UQ Career Development team can help you with job searching, networking and application writing. Join Cuppa and Careers if you would like to speak directly with a career development advisor. The UQ Union job preparation service also helps students find and apply for casual jobs.   

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