Top scholars in Social Science

27 September 2018

Congratulations to Annemaree Carroll - HASS Associate Dean (Research) and Gillian Whitehouse - School for Political Science and International Studies who have both been admitted to The Academy of Social Sciences in Australia (ASSA) in recognition of their outstanding research contributions to their areas of disciplines.

They join 34 other candidates who will inducted into the Academy later this year. 

The ASSA fellowships recognise Australia's leading minds in the social sciences and their contributions to advancing research knowledge and diverse approaches to social impacts. 

The Academy also recently named three winners of the Paul Bourke Award for Early Career Researchers – two of which hail from UQ's Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences – Renee Zahnow and Emma Hutchinson.

The Academy honours Australians in the early part of their career who have achieved excellence in scholarship in one or more fields of the social sciences. Each of the Panels of the Academy select one exceptional researcher from the nominations received to be the recipients of the Paul Bourke Award for Early Career Research.

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