UQ Music recognised for Indigenous-led learning

31 October 2022

Congratulations to UQ School of Music, who were named finalists in the Engagement Australia 2022 Excellence Awards.

These Awards identify and celebrate the most exciting engagement activities undertaken by universities that demonstrate far-reaching impact and innovation in the Australian and New Zealand economy and community.

The School of Music was recognised for their Indigenous-led learning, putting them in the running to take home the Award for Outstanding Engagement for Student Learning.

They have drawn on the power of music as a vehicle for reconciliation, community engagement and deep learning for students, audiences and the broader community.

An exemplar for the sector, this multi-year program of visiting Indigenous composers and large-scale student orchestral and choral performances created an environment in which understanding and empathy were cultivated and students were able to form deep connections with Indigenous stories and knowledges through music and language.

Winners will be announced on Monday 21 November and celebrated at a Sydney event.
