Associate Professor Elizabeth Edwards from the School of Education presented research on the training of mechanisms most vulnerable to pressure at the QUEX Institute symposium. Her strategy shows promise for reducing anxiety and improving sporting and other performance.
The QUEX-funded symposium provided researchers and their respective lab groups with opportunities to share ideas, demonstrate knowledge exchange, provide peer review and network with each other.
“Our two days of talks allowed us to plan a ‘special issue’ for an international journal containing our individual work premised on Attentional Control Theory and Attentional Control Theory – Sport. The relationships built will leave a legacy well beyond the symposium,” said Associate Professor Edwards.
“We are also planning further 6-monthly get-togethers, collaborations, shared PhD supervision, and grant opportunities.”
The 2-day 'Performance under pressure' symposium was supported by the QUEX Institute – a partnership of The University of Queensland and the University of Exeter.