Purpose and Approach
In 2022, Associate Professor Sebastian Kaempf (Political Science and International Studies) responded to a call for ideas for the DCS Community and Industry Collaboration Fund. The aim of the Fund was to support community engagement and industry partnerships by driving mutually beneficial and sustained relationships with HASS. The goal was to identify partnerships with communities and industry that would lead to a range of collaborations and activities, with a view to identifying ways to enrich and sustain ongoing collaboration. Seb’s successful proposal identified a unique opportunity to work with Volker Schimmel, the Director of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Global Data Service, to explore how digital capabilities are transforming the global humanitarian sector and its operations. Full details of the program of work are outlined in this Background and Guildelines document. The DCS Scenario Lab enabled Seb to develop the partnership that had matured over time with Volker and the UNHCR Global Data Service.
This year the DCS will seek to capture ideas from HASS Researchers and facilitate a discussion with the Director. Following individual discussions, the Director will select a HASS Researcher as the 2024 Scenario Lab lead. The identified HASS researcher will work with their industry partner to deliver mutually beneficially agreed activity. Funding will be available to provide engagement and travel for the industry partner. Logistics support and funding for event delivery will be provided by DCS. The budget will be discussed and agreed with the HASS Researcher and approved by the Director.
Scheme Documentation
- Background and Guidelines
- Expression of Interest Form
Potential EOIs are required to discuss their projects before applying with the Director at digitalcultures@hass.uq.edu.au. EOIs must be submitted to digitalcultures@hass.uq.edu.au by Monday 11 March 2024.