Brennan, Robert (2019). Painting as a modern art in early Renaissance Italy. London, United Kingdom: Harvey Miller.
Book Chapters
Brennan, Robert (2021). Not an eyewitness: the art of Saint Luke in his chapel at Santa Giustina. The network of Cassinese arts in Renaissance Italy. (pp. 115-130) edited by Alessandro Nova and Giancarla Periti. Milan, Italy: Officina Libraria.
Brennan, Robert (2020). Complicity and self-awareness: Giusto de' Menabuoi at the Santo. Renaissance metapainting. (pp. 31-58) edited by Péter Bokody and Alexander Nagel. London, United Kingdom: Harvey Miller.
Journal Articles
Brennan, Robert (2023). “Arabesques”: the making and breaking of a concept in Renaissance Italy. Art Bulletin, 105 (1), 9-36. doi: 10.1080/00043079.2022.2109382
Brennan, Robert (2022). The Body as Axis of History: Raphael and Michelangelo at Santa Maria della Pace in Rome. Oxford Art Journal, 45 (1), 29-43. doi: 10.1093/oxartj/kcab040
Brennan, Robert (2017). The art exhibition between cult and market: the case of Dürer’s Heller Altarpiece. Res: Anthropology and aesthetics, 67-68, 111-126. doi: 10.1086/693453
Conference Paper
Brennan, Robert (2019). Between Pliny and the Trecento: Ghiberti on the history of painting. Ghiberti teorico: Natura, arte e coscienza storica nel Quattrocento, Florence, Italy, 30 November - 2 December 2017. Milan, Italy: Officina Libraria.