Dr Richard Murray
Senior Lecturer & Director of Indigenous Engagement
School of Communication and Arts
Affiliate of Centre for Communication and Social Change
Centre for Communication and Social Change
Affiliate of Research Centre in Creative Arts and Human Flourishing
Research Centre in Creative Arts and Human Flourishing
Affiliate of Centre for Digital Cultures & Societies
Centre for Digital Cultures & Societies
+61 7 334 68234

Researcher biography
Dr Richard Murray researches journalism in a time of rapid change. His research specialties include the role law and lawyers play in contemporary journalism, rural, regional and remote journalism, and international journalism with a focus on how South Korea and North Korea are covered and reported on.
Obijiofor, Levi and Murray, Richard (2022). Challenges of reporting Africa for an international audience. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Downman, Scott and Murray, Richard (2018). Hyperlocal journalism and digital disruptions: the journalism change agents in Australia and New Zealand. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315172637
Book Chapters
Murray, Richard (2023). Subsistence journalism: corporate control and corporate change in Queensland regional journalism. CSR communication in the media: media management on sustainability at a global level. (pp. 197-209) edited by Franzisca Weder, Lars Rademacher and René Schmidpeter. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-18976-0_14
Greste, Peter and Murray, Richard (2022). Press freedom. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Journalism. (pp. 1122-1134) edited by Gregory A. Borchard. Thousand Oaks: SAGE.
Murray, Richard, Ananian-Welsh, Rebecca and Greste, Peter (2021). Journalism on Ice - National Security Laws and The Chilling Effect in Australian Journalism. Counter-Terrorism Laws and Freedom of Expression: Global Perspectives. (pp. 295-317) edited by Workneh, Tewodros and Haridakis, Paul. Lanham, MD United States: Lexington Books.
Downman, Scott and Murray, Richard (2020). The hyperlocal 'renaissance' in Australia and New Zealand. The Routledge companion to local media and journalism. (pp. 255-264) edited by Agnes Gulyas and David Baines. Abingdon, Oxon United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781351239943-30
Journal Articles
Graham, Caroline, Murray, Richard and Pinkerton, Jennifer (2024). ‘All by myself’: professional, emotional and ethical isolation for remote Australian journalists. Ethical Space, 21 (4), 5-21. doi: 10.21428/0af3f4c0.025e9e7b
Murray, Richard and Lee, Dong Bae (2024). In the land of the blind, the one-eyed person is king: social and professional isolation in covering North Korea from Pyongyang or News from Pyongyang: A place for Associated Press?. Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics, 21 (4), 54-63. doi: 10.21428/0af3f4c0.8bfd61d0
Murray, Richard (2024). Rview of The paradox of connection: how digital media is transforming journalistic labor, Diana Bossio, Valérie Bélair-Gagnon, Avery E. Holton and Logan Molyneux (2024). Australian Journalism Review, 46 (2), 274-275. doi: 10.1386/ajr_00167_5
Murray, Richard (2023). Review of The Ten Rules of Reporting, Alan Sunderland (2022). Australian Journalism Review, 45 (2), 292-293. doi: 10.1386/ajr_00141_5
Murray, Richard (2023). Review of Who Needs the ABC? Why Taking It for Granted Is No Longer an Option, Matthew Ricketson and Patrick Mullins. Australian Journalism Review, 45 (2), 290-291. doi: 10.1386/ajr_00142_5
Murray, Richard (2023). Book Review: Whistleblowing for Change: Exposing Systems of Power and Injustice. Australian Outlook: Australian Institute of International Affairs.
English, Peter and Murray, Richard (2023). War and Peace, Freeze and Thaw: Regional Narratives of North Korea and the 2018 Winter Olympics. Communication and Sport, 12 (1), 1-18. doi: 10.1177/21674795231163892
Murray, Richard (2022). Journalism Ethics at the Crossroads: Democracy, Fake News, and the News Crisis, Roger Patching and Martin Hirst (2022). Australian Journalism Review, 44 (2), 265-266. doi: 10.1386/ajr_00108_5
Murray, Richard (2022). The ghosts of News Corp: journalism and news in post-Murdoch regional Queensland. Ethical Space, 19 (1).
English, Peter and Murray, Richard (2021). North Korea and the ‘Peace Games’: media representations of sport and politics at the 2018 winter olympics. Continuum, 36 (1), 1-18. doi: 10.1080/10304312.2021.1965542
Ananian-Welsh, Rebecca, Kendall, Sarah and Murray, Richard (2021). Risk and uncertainty in public interest journalism: the impact of espionage law on press freedom. Melbourne University Law Review, 44 (3), 764-811.
Greste, Peter and Murray, Richard (2019). Why Australia needs a Media Freedom Act. The Political Economy of Communication, 7 (2), 105-108.
Downman, Scott and Murray, Richard (2017). Journalism: empowering communities and building trust. Ethical Space: the international journal of communication ethics, 14 (4), 2-3.
Murray, Richard (2017). Reporting on the impossible: the use of defectors in covering North Korea. Ethical Space: the international journal of communication ethics, 14 (4), 17-24.
Obijiofor, Levi, Murray, Richard and Singh, Shailendra B. (2017). Changes in journalism in two post-authoritarian non-Western countries. International Communication Gazette, 79 (4), 379-399. doi: 10.1177/1748048516682147
Downman, Scott and Murray, Richard (2017). The Change Makers' Project: A service learning approach to journalism education in Australia. Fusion Journal, 4 (11).
Murray, Richard (2015). New technologies in developing societies: from theory to practice. African Journalism Studies, 36 (4), 164-166. doi: 10.1080/23743670.2015.1119497
Conference Papers
Fung, Casey and Murray, Richard (2024). Regional New South Wales and Queensland journalists changing understanding of role performance in
times of crisis. Journalistic Role Performance: Paths Taken and Pathways Forward. ICA Preconference, Gold Coast, QLD Australia, 19 June 2024.
Greste, Peter and Murray, Richard (2023). The business of news and freedom of the press. Threats to Media Freedom, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 14 December 2023.
Graham, Caroline, Murray, Richard and Pinkerton, Jennifer (2023). All by myself': COVID-19 and professional, social, and emotional deserts for ‘Top End’ journalists. Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia, Sydney, NSW Australia, 5-7 December 2023.
Martin, Fiona and Murray, Richard (2022). Journalism and communication academic mental health. Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia Conference 2022: Journalism in Post-Normal Times, Perth, WA Australia, 6-8 December 2022.
Thomson, T. J. and Murray, Richard (2022). Combatting visual mis/disinformation: an exploration into journalistic fact-checking practices, barriers, and motivation. Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia Conference 2022: Journalism in Post-Normal Times, Perth, 6-8 December 2022.
Murray, Richard and Greste, Peter (2022). Breaking the law: How Australian journalists and the organisations they work for have reacted to meta-data retention laws. Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia Conference 2022: Journalism in Post-Normal Times, Perth, WA Australia, 4-6 December, 2022.
Murray, Richard (2021). Information as a right in regional Queensland. Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia - Journalism, Policy & Politics, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 1-3 December 2021.
Murray, Richard, Ananian-Welsh, Rebecca and Greste, Peter (2021). Journalism on Ice: National Security Laws and the Chilling Effect in Australian Journalism. International Communication Association Conference: Engaging the Essential Work of Care: Communication, Connectedness, and Social Justice, Denver, CO United States, 27-31 May 2021.
Downman, Scott and Murray, Richard (2020). Deserts and Green Shoots –Emerging models of local and hyperlocal news in South East Queensland . JOURNALISM and DEMOCRACY 2020: Transformations in journalism research, education and practice, Melbourne, VIC Australia, 1-4 December 2020. The Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia.
Murray, Richard , Ananian-Welsh, Rebecca and Greste, Peter (2019). The law or the lawyers: understanding the of legal counsel and advisors in Australian editorial processes. The Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia: Plurality, Precarity and Possibilities, Sydney, NSW Australia, 3-6 December 2019.
Thomas, Deborah J. and Murray, Richard (2019). True crime does pay: the rise of the true crime podcast and the transformation of investigative journalism. In: Cultural Studies Association of Australasia 2019, St Lucia, QLD, Australia, (). 4-6 December 2019.
English, Peter and Murray, Richard (2018). North Korea's return to the field of international sport. In: The Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia. Journalism from the margins to the mainstream, Hobart, TAS, Australia, (). 3-5 December 2018.
Murray, Richard (2017). Bizarre News Triangle: North Korea, defectors and foreign correspondents. Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia 2017 Conference: The Second Coming of Journalism? Rebirth, resurrection, renewal, resistance, resurgence., Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 4-6 December 2017.
Downman, Scott and Murray, Richard (2017). Experimenting with the hyperlocal in Southeast Queensland. In: The Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia. The Second Coming of Journalism?Rebirth, resurrection, renewal, resistance, resurgence., Newcastle, NSW, Australia, (). 4-6 December 2017.
Obijiofor, Levi, Murray, Richard and Singh, Shailendra (2016). Locating journalism in three post-military non-Western countries. World Journalism Education Congress. Identity and Integrity in Journalism Education, Auckland, New Zealand, 14-16 July 2016.
Downman, Scott and Richard Murray (2016). Teaching human rights journalism through a hyperlocal journalism project: Change Makers. World Journalism Education Congress, Auckland, New Zealand, 14-16 July 2016.
Murray, Richard (2015). Reporting North Korea: Understanding tyranny and bad hair from Australia. Work in Progress (WiP), St Lucia, QLD Australia, 29-30 September 2015.
Downman, Scott and Murray, Richard (2015). #journalismisdead: resuscitating a critical profession and reimagining the journalist through first year journalism courses at an Australian university. In: The Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia. Dangerous Journalism, Barthurst, NSW, Australia, (). 30 November-2 December 2015.
Murray, Richard (2015). Dangerous journalism –the perilous job of reporting from the Republic of Korea. In: The Journalism Education and Research Association of Australia. Dangerous Journalism, Bathurst, NSW, Australia, (). 30 November-2 December 2015.
Murray, Richard (2020). Constructions of good and evil: the Koreas in international news. PhD Thesis, School of Communication and Arts, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/uql.2020.910