Professor Heather Zwicker

Professor Zwicker has been Executive Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences at The University of Queensland since 2 October 2018. She came to UQ from the University of Alberta, a top 5 Canadian university, where she served in a variety of leadership roles including Vice-Provost and Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (2015-18) and Vice Dean for the Faculty of Arts (2011-14).
A cultural studies researcher, Professor Zwicker brings postcolonial and feminist theories to bear on problems such as stereotypes, universities, classrooms, and cities. Her research seeks to understand concepts that explain the world we inhabit. Key areas of exploration have included nation (especially Northern Ireland), stereotype (in particular, pre-9/11 stereotypes of Irish terrorists), the local (with an emphasis on Edmonton writing), public intellectualism (pursued through graduate seminars designed for non-academic tracks, and through writing for larger audiences), gender, and digital humanities. Professor Zwicker holds a PhD from Stanford University and is the winner of several awards, including the 3M National Teaching Fellowship.