This session covers:
- What type of work is typical for translators and interpreters, such as in-house or freelance?
- Is there a clear pathway for a language student to upgrade their skills and become a translator or interpreter?
- How do you market yourself when starting out as a translator or interpreter in this diverse employment landscape?
You will have the opportunity to ask questions to leading industry professionals working in relevant roles and hear their experiences, stories and advice.
All registered students will receive a recording of the session.
Meet our panel
Dr Han Xu, AUSIT National Treasurer
Dr Han Xu is a professional interpreter and translator (Chinese-English), holding certification/accreditation from NAATI and CATTI (China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters). She received systematic interpreting and translation training in an MA program at Sichuan University in China between 2011 and 2014. Since then, she has been practising as a conference interpreter, specialising in interpreting in business, diplomatic and educational settings. Han completed her PhD study at the University of New South Wales in early 2019. Her PhD research looks into how interpreting services are used in legal interviews with a focus on lawyer-interpreter working relations. Soon after Han finished her PhD study, she had worked as an assistant lecturer at Monash University teaching interpreting. Han is interested in conducting interdisciplinary studies to empirically investigate different aspects of interpreting activity, such as issues related to interpreter role, ethics, training and professionalism. Han is actively promoting professional development of interpreters and translators in Australia. She currently serves as national treasurer and sits in the communication committee and QLD branch committee in AUSIT.
Dylan J Hartmann, AcudocX Founder and Director, NAATI-Certified Thai>English Translator, AUSIT QLD
Dylan J Hartmann is a NAATI certified Thai-English Translator and the founder of AcudocX. With a Master of Studies from ANU, Dylan specialises in life sciences, legal and mining translations, and was handling over 1 million words annually before even becoming NAATI-certified. Dylan is an AUSIT QLD committee member, a mentor and moderator on, and award-winning literary translator.
Renata Oliveira Munro, NAATI-Certified Portuguese – English translator, AUSIT QLD Branch Professional Development Coordinator
Renata Oliveira Munro is a NAATI certified Portuguese – English translator. Born and raised in Brazil, she moved to Australia over 25 years ago, searching for love and adventure!
In Australia, Renata completed an Occupational Therapy degree at the University of Sydney. She worked as an Occupational Therapist for many years before investing in her passion for languages and becoming a professional translator in 2009. She has worked as a freelance translator since then. Renata also studied a graduate certificate in Applied Linguistics at Monash University and completed a graduate certificate in Translating and Interpreting at RMIT University in 2020.
She has been a member of the Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators (AUSIT) since 2013. She has always been an active member of the AUSIT QLD branch, taking up the position of Branch Secretary for four years (2015 – 2019) and recently been elected as the QLD Branch Professional Development Coordinator.
Zhen Guan, Industry Advisor, School of Languages and Cultures
Zhen Guan is a UQ graduate of MA in Chinese Translation and Interpreting (2010) and has been practising as a NAATI Certified Translator and Interpreter in Chinese/Mandarin since 2011. He currently works part-time as the Industry Advisor for the School of Languages and Cultures.
He has been heavily involved in the T&I industry association (i.e., AUSIT). Prior to this, he worked as a public servant in the Queensland Government in Brisbane and the Department of Home Affairs at the Australian Embassy, Beijing, where he carried out translation and interpreting assignments on a regular basis.