This session covers:

  • What career opportunities are there in International Development?
  • What should students interested in International Development careers do to enhance their employability during their university studies?
  • How are the knowledge and skills gained from your studies applicable to International Development careers?

Through your booking and in the session, you will have the opportunity to ask questions to leading industry professionals working in relevant roles and hear their experiences, stories and advice.

Date: Wednesday 27 April
Time: 4:00pm-5:00pm (AEST)
Online: Online via Zoom

Meet our panel

Thoa HarringStrategic Partnerships Officer, Global Strategy and Partnerships, Global Engagement
Thoa Harring is an alumna of UQ Master of Development Practice (Advanced) major in Planning for Social Development. Thoa is an exceptional project management and stakeholder engagement professional with a proven track record of successful working relationships with Australian government agencies, industry, NGOs, and universities.

In her current role at the UQ Global Strategy and Partnerships team Thoa works in collaboration with stakeholders across UQ, industry, government agencies, and institutional partners to support the development and implementation of UQ’s strategic partnerships. Prior to this role Thoa was a Senior Development Coordinator at the UQ International Development where her work facilitated the translation of UQ’s expertise into development outcomes across Southeast Asia, Africa, and the Pacific in support of Australia’s bilateral and multilateral strategic relationship objectives. This has been achieved in the successful delivery of multiple development projects and high quality capacity building programs. In 2021 Thoa led the team at UQ International Development in the successful organisation of the Research for Development Impact conference which attracted over 500 delegates working in development sector from 26 countries.

Tanya Jojo, Project Support Officer, Cardno International Development
Tanya completed a Bachelor of Arts in 2019, with an extended major in International Relations and a minor in Spanish, at the University of Queensland.

Tanya aspires to build a career in international development, and corresponding policy and project management. Before starting at Cardno International Development in February, she gained experience in research, fundraising and stakeholder management within the NGO sector and service delivery within a federal government agency, specifically for vulnerable clients.


Barry Greville-EyresArea Project Manager: Bamyan, UNDP Afghanistan
Seasoned humanitarian and development practitioner with proven track record in fragile and conflict-affected states including The Sudan (NORAD), South Sudan (USAID), Regional West Africa (USAID), Somalia (UNDP), Afghanistan (USAID, UNDP), Iraq (USAID), Timor-Leste (AusAID) and Papua New Guinea (NZAID). Responsible for strategic interventions (EU, DFID) designed to transform, democratize and develop capacity in post-Apartheid South Africa (1994-2005).

Skill/experience subset includes public sector reform; democratic governance; decentralization of government services to sub-national level; accelerated leadership development; and institutional strengthening. Passionate environmentalist with ‘blended’ natural resource management experience (forestry, agriculture, nature conservation & eco-tourism). Registered member of DFAT’s Australian Civilian Corps – modelled on UKAID/DFID’s Stabilization Unit.  

Fully conversant with ‘big picture’ issues driving the aid agenda/geo-politics in Africa, Middle East, Asia and the Pacific. Registered as ‘Associate Expert’ with UNDP Bangkok Regional Centre and trained in UNDP Capacity Assessment/Development Methodologies. Serial blogger and photo-essayist inspired by the ‘voiceless’ to tell their respective stories on their behalf.  


About HASS Networking Events

HASS offers a range of networking events for students to connect with alumni, staff and peers. Contact HASS Student Futures Team for more information. 


Online via Zoom.

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