Presented by the UQ Faculties of 'Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology' and 'Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences' as part of UQ HDR Week

Come along to an in-person light-hearted debate featuring Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students arguing for and against the proposition: The analogue world was more relaxing.

We live in an ever increasingly digital world, filled with heart trackers, face scanners and social influencers. However, this world has allowed us to achieve a global connectedness that would have been seen as witchcraft only fifty years ago. Should we fight to keep the paper novel or move to kindle? Spotify or vinyl? Filing cabinets filled with paper or computers that store enough information to rival a forest worth of paper? Was the analogue world more relaxing, or is it a luxury we can no longer afford?

Please be advised, this debate will run from 2-3pm, with afternoon tea provided 3-4pm.

Contact us ( if you would like to discuss this event further.


Building 33, St Lucia Campus