During this Q&A session several industry members who have teaching and/or education qualifications will discuss some of the many pathways open to education students beyond classroom teaching.  

Some of the areas likely to be covered in this session are: 

  • What other careers outside teaching exist for education students?
  • Do I need teaching experience before I look for other education jobs?
  • Where should I look for non-teaching education jobs? 
  • If I want to move into teaching management, what is the best pathway to do that? 
  • Are there any trends that currently shape, of will shape the education industry in the future that I can start preparing for now?

This event will be held via Zoom, the link will be sent on the day of the event.

About HASS Career Seminar Series

The HASS Career Seminar Series invites HASS industry and alumni to participate in online panel discussions where students have the opportunity to ask questions and learn how the panel used their HASS degrees and skills to help them transition into careers after graduation.

Find career resources here


Zoom - Link to be sent on day of event