The Applied Linguistics Program would like to extend an invitation for on-campus students to attend a BBQ on Friday 16 April, 1pm. Current students and staff will be in attendance for this social gathering.
When: Friday 16 April from 1:00pm
Where: Lower Forgan Smith Lawns (Outside Building 14)
Food: Food & drink will be provided
Important information to ensure the safety of all event attendees:
• Due to safety reasons and in line with current guidelines, registration is essential for this event.
• Stay at home if you are unwell or have a cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue or shortness of breath.
• Students who register on Student Hub will not be penalised for missing events if they are unwell.
• If you become unwell during the event, please let the event organiser know as soon as possible.
• Registration may take longer than usual; please arrive early, respect physical distancing and be patient.
• Maintaining physical distancing is your responsibility.
About HASS Networking Events
HASS offers a range of networking events for students to connect with alumni, staff and peers.
Are you a HASS staff member interested in organising events for your students? The Cohort Connections Fund supports you to provide cohort-building activities that enhance HASS coursework students’ sense of community and/or employability capabilities. Find out more here.
Contact HASS Student Futures Team for more information.