Welcome to Pru Rolff, who has returned to UQ as Senior Manager at the Institute of Modern Languages, taking over from IML Director Georgiana Poulter who retired last month.
Associate Professor Elizabeth Edwards from the School of Education presented research on the training of mechanisms most vulnerable to pressure at the QUEX Institute symposium. Her strategy shows promise for reducing anxiety and improving sporting and other performance.
Japanese-born singer-songwriter and recent University of Queensland music graduate, Ray April, has released her first single Louder, through UQ’s in-house record label Corella Recordings.
One of the most prestigious awards for natural history has been bestowed upon an Honorary Senior Lecturer from The University of Queensland’s School of Social Science.
The Gurindji children’s picture book Tamarra: A Story of Termites on Gurindji Country has been shortlisted in the Children’s Book Council of Australia Book of the Year awards.