UQ Ramsay Undergraduate Scholarship
UQ Ramsay Undergraduate Scholarships are available to commencing students each year to study Western Civilisation in either the Bachelor of Advanced Humanities (Honours) or Bachelor of Humanities / Bachelor of Laws (Honours) program.
The Scholarship is open to recent year 12 leavers with Australian Citizenship or Australian Permanent residency status. If you are a current year 12 student, you are still eligible if you take a gap year; however, you cannot enrol in a Bachelor-level program or higher during this gap year.
From 2026, the value of the UQ Ramsay Undergraduate Scholarship is up to $32,000 each year for the first three years of the program.
A summary of the eligibility for, and conditions to retain, the Scholarship can be found on the 'Rules & Conditions' heading below.
Full details on the Scholarship including the formal UQ Senate approved rules outlining all eligibility and criteria can be seen on the University's scholarship website here.
The online application form can be accessed from the UQ Scholarship's website during the period that applications are open.
An Application Guide has been designed to help applicants with collecting the information required to complete the online application process.
Scholarship webinar details:
Join UQ’s Professor Alastair Blanshard for an online information session on the UQ Ramsay Undergraduate Scholarship for 2025.
Rules & Conditions
The UQ Ramsay Undergraduate Scholarship has certain conditions for applicants as well as recipients of the Scholarship. These are outlined in the Scholarship Rules. A summary of the key points are below.
Rule 5 outlines the eligibility conditions and the selection criteria upon which your application will be assessed.
Eligibility for the Scholarship and entry into a Program of Study are independent, and Scholarship applicants must also apply through QTAC for a place in one of the Programs of Study. An offer of a place in a program is made by QTAC, and an offer for a program must be received before any final offer of a Scholarship can be made.
Applicants who defer their program via QTAC:
While the offer of a program can be deferred, an offer of a scholarship cannot be deferred. Scholarship applications must be considered for the year the applicant intends to commence the Program of Study. If an applicant defers the program via QTAC a new Scholarship application is to be submitted for the following year, when the program is commenced.
Rule 6 outlines the conditions you need to meet to retain the Scholarship.
If you fail to meet the conditions in rule 6(1) you will be asked to show cause why the Scholarship should not be cancelled. The Associate Dean (Academic) of the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (AD(A)) will consider your case and decide if you have provided a sufficient reason to retain your Scholarship. The AD(A) will be looking for evidenced and acceptable reasons why you may not have met the conditions of rule 6(1) and the steps you will take to avoid falling short of these conditions in the future. If the AD(A) does not approve your retention of the Scholarship your Scholarship will be terminated.
Interruption of Study – If you decide to take a break from study for one or two semesters you must receive permission from the AD(A) to interrupt your Scholarship. Failing to do this will mean you will not meet the conditions of rule 6(1) and you will be required to show cause why the Scholarship should not be cancelled. Failing to seek approval to interrupt your Scholarship will not be sufficient justification for your show cause case unless you can demonstrate exceptional circumstances why you could not request prior approval to interrupt. If the AD(A) does not approve your retention of the Scholarship your Scholarship will be terminated.
Termination – You will no longer be in receipt of a Scholarship if –
- you do not receive approval from the AD(A) to retain your Scholarship following a show cause submission due to non-compliance with the Scholarship conditions in Rule 6;
- the Scholarship duration for your Program of Study has passed; or
- you commit serious misconduct under the University’s Student Integrity and Misconduct Policy.
As a scholarship recipient you have agreed to abide by the Scholarship Rules for the year you were awarded the Scholarship:
Changing programs
To change programs between the two Western Civilisation study pathways you will need to lodge an application for the new program via QTAC. Both programs can only be commenced in semester one.
A transfer of the Scholarship between the two Western Civilisation study pathways is not automatic and requires the approval of the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences. If you intend to change your program and wish to also transfer your Scholarship, you will need to complete and submit the Request to Transfer Scholarship form by 15 December of the year prior to commencing your new program. Further information is contained within the form.
Should a transfer of Scholarship be approved, the duration of your Scholarship will remain the duration of when you were offerd your first Western Civilisation program.
For example: if you were awarded a Scholarship for the BAdvHum(Western Civ)(Hons) in 2025, and changed to the BHum/LLB(Hons) in 2026, your Scholarship duration will remain at 4 years from the initial year of offer (2025).
If you transfer out of an approved program, you will lose your scholarship. You will not have to repay any scholarship funds received previously for semesters that you have completed.
Global Experience
An overseas experience is not only available but encouraged! As Western Civilisation student, you may receive one return airfare to undertake a UQ Global Experience. A UQ Global Experience may take the form of a Centre for Western Civilisation overseas study tour, a formal semester exchange at one of our approved partner institutions around the world, or a short-term overseas experience that may be for an internship, work experience, volunteering or community-based learning, or study of less than a semester. Short-term experiences may be for-credit towards your program or may be not-for-credit.
Have a look at the Global Experience possibilities here.
Giving back
Ramsay Scholars are encouraged to continue to contribute to the UQ and the greater community.
Discover opportunities to give back here.
Frequently Asked Questions: Applicants of the Scholarship
Is the UQ Ramsay Undergraduate Scholarship linked to a specific Program of Study?
Yes, to receive a full Scholarship offer, and to retain the Scholarship once offered, you are required to be enrolled on a full-time basis in either the:
- Bachelor of Advanced Humanities (Western Civilisation) (Honours) - QTAC code 757201, or
- Bachelor of Humanities/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) - QTAC code 707402.
How do I apply for a UQ Ramsay Undergraduate Scholarship?
Applications are submitted online and open around June or July of the previous year. Full details on the Scholarship including access to the online application form, rules, eligibility and criteria can be seen on the central scholarships website. An Application Guide has also been produced which steps out what to do and the documents to prepare before accessing the online application, as well as guides you through each page of the application form.
Is there an application fee to apply for a UQ Ramsay Undergraduate Scholarship?
There is no fee to submit an application for a UQ Ramsay Undergraduate Scholarship.
I missed the deadline - can I still apply for a UQ Ramsay Undergraduate Scholarship?
Unfortunately, late applications will not be accepted. We recommend you complete your online application early so that we can assist you if you are experiencing technical difficulties.
I’ve been made a conditional offer of a Scholarship, what does that mean, and do I need to do anything else?
A conditional offer of a Scholarship has been made as the Selection Committee has determined you have met all eligibility criteria except for having a place in a Program of Study. Once you are enrolled in a Program of Study, and eligibility against all other criteria remain, you will be granted a full Scholarship offer. There is nothing else you need to do for now except to ensure you have preferenced one or both of the two Programs of Study in your first two QTAC preferences. Full offers will not be released until after the main January offer round. Please read the terms outlined in the Terms and conditions of the Scholarship, the Scholarship rules, and in your Offer Letter.
I've been advised I'm on a Waitlist. What do I need to do?
Can I defer my Scholarship offer?
The Scholarship cannot be deferred for another year. If you apply for and are offered a Scholarship but then decide to defer your offer of a place in the program the Scholarship offer will be void, or if offers have not yet been made the application will be administratively withdrawn. The Scholarship can only be awarded for the year you commence the program, so a new application for the scholarship must be made in the following year.
Scholarship applicants can not have undertaken any study while enrolled in a bachelor-level program in the year between year 12 and commencing the Program of Study in Western Civilisation. Non-award enrolment or study of a short-term course can be undertaken provided it is not undertaken through enrolment in a bachelor-level program whether at UQ or any other tertiary institution in the year following year 12 and prior to commencement of a Program of Study in Western Civilisation.
What if I want to take a gap year?
The Scholarship can only be offered for the same year you commence your program. If you decide to take a gap year following year 12 an application for the scholarship is to be made for the following year, the same as the year in which a QTAC application is made for the program.
Scholarship applicants can not have undertaken any study while enrolled in a bachelor-level program in the year between year 12 and commencing the Program of Study in Western Civilisation. Non-award enrolment or study of a short-term course can be undertaken provided it is not undertaken through enrolment in a bachelor-level program whether at UQ or any other tertiary institution in the year following year 12 and prior to commencement of a Program of Study in Western Civilisation.
I was made a conditional offer of a Scholarship, but I did not receive a QTAC offer in either Program of Study.
Unfortunately, without a QTAC offer for a Program of Study, you do not meet the eligibility criteria to receive a Scholarship.
I did not receive an ATAR high enough for a QTAC offer in either Program of Study, but still want to study Western Civilisation.
If you wish to study Western Civilisation you may still be able to change QTAC preferences and enrol in the single Bachelor of Advanced Humanities (Honours) non-Western Civilisation program for a year, and apply again through QTAC for a place in Western Civilisation next year. The QTAC code for the Bachelor of Advanced Humanities (Honours) non-Western Civilisation is 757101. You will not, however, be eligible for a UQ Ramsay Undergraduate Scholarship.
Please contact us at westernciv@uq.edu.au to discuss your enrolment if you wish to transfer to the extended major in Western Civilisation next year.
Can I be awarded more than one scholarship?
Recipients of the UQ Ramsay Undergraduate Scholarship cannot be awarded another scholarship that has been deemed by the HASS Faculty Associate Dean (Academic) to be similar in nature. Scholarships that are acceptable to hold alongside a UQ Ramsay Undergraduate Scholarship are the Young Achievers Scholarship or the UQ Link Scholarship.
Are the entry score thresholds inclusive of adjustment factors?
The entry score thresholds on UQ's Future Students website are those that were required for entry in the current year and are inclusive of any adjustment factors. For information on adjustment factors, please visit UQ's undergraduate admissions information and the QTAC website.
The published scores are indicative only and may be subject to change.
Frequently Asked Questions: Recipients of the Scholarship
When will I receive my Scholarship payments?
2025 Recipients
First-Year Students: in semester one, an upfront payment will be made by the end of the second week of classes. The remainder of the annual scholarship amount is then halved and half is paid following each census date in semester one and semester two. Allow 2-4 weeks following the census date each semester for the UQ Scholarships Office to process these semester one and two payments.
Subsequent Year Students: the annual scholarship amount is halved and half is paid following each census date in semester one and semester two. Allow 2-4 weeks following the census date each semester for the UQ Scholarships Office to process these semester one and two payments.
2026 Recipients
First-Year Students from a Regional, Rural or Remote area: in semester one, an upfront payment will be made by the end of the second week of classes. The remainder of the annual scholarship amount is then halved and half is paid following each census date in semester one and semester two. Allow 2-4 weeks following the census date each semester for the UQ Scholarships Office to process these semester one and two payments.
First-Year Students not from a Regional, Rural or Remote area: the annual scholarship amount is halved and half is paid following each census date in semester one and semester two. Allow 2-4 weeks following the census date each semester for the UQ Scholarships Office to process these semester one and two payments.
Subsequent Year Students: the annual scholarship amount is halved and half is paid following each census date in semester one and semester two. Allow 2-4 weeks following the census date each semester for the UQ Scholarships Office to process these semester one and two payments.
Please note that this is an extremely busy time for the UQ Scholarships Office, which manages a large number of University scholarship payments following each census date. Although unfortunate, delays in payments may occur, and we recommend you speak with Student Central - Financial Support should you have any difficulty in managing your finances.
As the Centre is not notified when Scholarship payments have been made, do let us know if you have not received your payment by the end of April (for Semester one) or September (for Semester two). Please email westernciv@uq.edu.au.
How can I use my Scholarship to pay for my Student Contributions upfront?
As you will not receive your Scholarship payments until after the Census date, we recommend you keep some of this money aside to pay for the next semester's Student Contribution amount.
Can I transfer my Scholarship to another institution?
No, the Scholarship cannot be transferred to another institution as it is an agreement between yourself and The University of Queensland to study one of our approved Programs of Study.
Can I transfer my Scholarship between the two Programs of Study?
Your Scholarship has been awarded for the program you commenced at the time the scholarship was awarded. Should you wish to transfer to the other Program of Study you will need to make a request to the Executive Dean of the HASS Faculty to transfer your Scholarship to the other program. A Request to Transfer Scholarship form needs to be submitted to the Centre by 15 December of the year prior to your intended commencement of the new program. Once we have all transfer applications and know which students have received a QTAC offer for the new program, the Executive Dean can consider all applications to transfer Scholarship. You will be advised of the outcome by the end of January. Please see the ‘Changing Programs’ heading above and the Request to Transfer Scholarship form for further details.
Does my Scholarship entitlement for the semester increase if I overload for one semester?
Overloading in a semester does not change the value of your Scholarship entitlement. You will continue to receive the semester payment as stipulated in your Scholarship offer letter regardless of enrolling in more than 8 units.
It is recommended that you follow the Study Plan for the Bachelor of Advanced Humanities (Western Civilisation) (Honours) or Bachelor of Humanities/Bachelor of Laws (Honours). If you take courses that are superfluous to the requirements of your program you will take longer to complete your program and you may exceed the maximum duration of your Scholarship.
If you need assistance with your Study Plan please contact westernciv@uq.edu.au.
What happens to my Scholarship if I under-enrol?
Your Scholarship is awarded on the basis that you maintain full-time study (i.e. at least 6 units per semester). For further information regarding what constitutes part-time study please go to my.UQ. If you do not complete at least 6 units of courses in any semester you will not meet the conditions of the Scholarship and you will be required to show cause why the Scholarship should be retained.
Although 6 units per semester is considered by the University to be full-time if you do not take 8 units of courses and follow our recommended Study Plan you may take longer than the maximum Scholarship duration to complete your program. You will not be eligible to receive Scholarship payments for any semesters of study beyond the maximum Scholarship duration.
If there are circumstances affecting your studies, please contact westernciv@uq.edu.au to discuss your options, or view the University’s Student support resources.
Are there tax implications for receiving a Scholarship?
For advice on whether or not there are tax implications from receiving a Scholarship, we suggest you contact the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). The ATO has a scholarship decision tool on their website you may find useful.
What happens to my Scholarship if I need to interrupt my studies?
If there are circumstances impacting your studies and you need to take a break for a semester or two, you will require approval from the HASS Faculty Associate Dean (Academic) to interrupt your Scholarship. If you do not apply for, and receive approval to, interrupt your Scholarship you will not meet the conditions for retaining your Scholarship and your Scholarship may be terminated. You may only interrupt your Scholarship for a total of two semesters; however, they do not need to be consecutive semesters.
Use this form to apply to interrupt your Scholarship. Requests to interrupt your Scholarship must be received by 15 March (for an interruption in semester one) or 15 August (for an interruption in semester two).
If there are circumstances affecting your studies, please contact westernciv@uq.edu.au to discuss your options, or view the University’s Student support resources.
Will changing my course enrolments affect my Scholarship?
Changing your course enrolments will not affect your Scholarship provided you maintain a full-time enrolment. It is recommended that you follow the Study Plan for the Bachelor of Advanced Humanities (Western Civilisation) (Honours) or Bachelor of Humanities/Bachelor of Laws (Honours). If you take courses that are superfluous to the requirements of your program you will take longer to complete your program and you may exceed the maximum duration of your Scholarship.
If you need assistance with your Study Plan please contact westernciv@uq.edu.au.
There are important enrolment dates to be aware of when changing courses. Information on this can be found on my.UQ.