Meet HASS Honours Alumni

What can you do with an Honours degree from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences?

Our graduates end up all over the globe undertaking PhD's, working for governments, the private sector, non-for-profits, galleries, they go on to do teaching, researching, being project managers and undertaking many other roles! Having your Honours gives you a step up from the competition and opens you up to a world of opportunities. 

Check out some of our graduates and be inspired to undertake 'One year. One extraordinary research experience'. 

2. Maddy Green, BA (Hons) in Archaeology


What was the best thing about your Honours program?

Because of my Honours year at UQ, and thanks to my supervisors, I was given countless fantastic research and employment opportunities that have taken me around the world and to numerous academic institutions. My time spent at UQ completing my Honours degree in archaeology helped me broaden my skill set and build important relationships that have been vital to my career.

What opportunities have you gotten from doing your Honours? 

Because of Honours, I had so many opportunities - archaeological field work, teaching, research in academia - and I've been very fortunate in that I've been able to do all of those things. I've travelled overseas because of and during my Honours year to excavate in the Cradle of Humankind in South Africa with La Trobe University and also went to the Natural History Museum in London to see the Kabwe 1 Homo heidelbergensis skull that my Honours thesis was based on.

What are you up to now and how did your Honours degree get you there? 

Through Honours I had room to branch out and am now doing my PhD in Biological Anthropology at the Australian National University where my focus is on paleohistology and palaeoanthropology (the microstructure of bone tissue across human evolution). During my Honours year I was tasked with reviewing past work that touched on these two subjects and this led me to ask why more had not been done in this field? As a result, and thanks to my Honours year, I’ve now gone on to answer that question and am now undertaking my PhD and are part of a pretty niche research group that's filled with some fantastic women who are paving the way in fields of STEM.