Meet HASS Honours Alumni

What can you do with an Honours degree from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences?

Our graduates end up all over the globe undertaking PhD's, working for governments, the private sector, non-for-profits, galleries, they go on to do teaching, researching, being project managers and undertaking many other roles! Having your Honours gives you a step up from the competition and opens you up to a world of opportunities. 

Check out some of our graduates and be inspired to undertake 'One year. One extraordinary research experience'. 

3. Terri Fuelling, BA (Hons) in Art History

What was the best thing about your Honours program?

Honing my ability to think critically and to develop an openness to diverse sources of information and inspiration. Mostly, I enjoyed the cross pollination of ideas between students, lecturers and visiting experts via panel discussions, symposia, exhibitions and weekly seminars. Although the thesis was the end-product of my labours, it was the journey that really resonated for me.

What do you see as a benefit of doing Honours?

An exemplary performance in the Honours program opens up a plethora of academic opportunities both at home and abroad. In the field of art history, even outside academia, further study is highly regarded and often required for most curating and cultural tourism roles. I feel the Honours program has certainly expanded my field.

What advice would you give to those considering Honours?

Keep an open mind. Don’t let your own preconceived ideas or the rigid views of others darken your vision. Acknowledge them, calmly and objectively consider their merit and keep moving.